

402 T H E GOD D E L U S I O NDonne, John, 221Dornan, Bob, 288Dostoevsky, Feodor, 227Douglas, Stephen A., 267Douglas, William O., 330Downey, Margaret, 45Drake Equation, 70-1Dreams of a Final Theory(Weinberg), 12Drummond, Bulldog, 266dualism, 179-81, 183Dutchman's Pipe, 120Dyson, Freeman, 144, 152Earth, orbit of, 135-6Edge website, 152education: Amish, 329-31; creationist,331-7; religious,341-4; segregated, 261; teachingthat faith is a virtue,307-8Ehrman, Bart, 95Einstein, Albert: mask of, 89; onmorality, 226; on personalGod, 9, 15; on purpose of life,209; religious views, 13, 14,15-19, 20Eisenhower, Dwight, 289Electric Meme, The (Aunger),196electrons, 147-8, 363-4Elizabeth II, Queen, 205-6embryos, human, 291-8, 300Emerson, Ralph Waldo, 29Emmanuel College, Gateshead,331-7End of Faith, The (Harris), 88,278Engel, Gerhard, 274Enigma code, 289eucaryotic cell, 140Euler, Leonhard, 84euthanasia, 293, 356-7evidence, 282-3evil, existence of, 108evolution: belief in, 282-3; continuity,300-1; design and, 61,79, 158; evolved organs, 129,134; process of, 122, 134-5Evolution vs Creationism(Scott), 66Exclusive Brethren, the, 321-2Existence of God, The(Swinburne), 64nExtended Phenotype, The(Dawkins), 165eyes, 123-4, 139, 179Fabric of Reality, The (Deutsch),365faith, 308Falwell, Jerry, 289Faraday, Michael, 98Fatima vision (1917), 91-2Faulhaber, Michael, 277Female of the Species, The('Sapper'), 266feminism, 115-16Feynman, Richard, 365Finding Darwin's God (Miller),131Fisher, Helen, 184-5Flatland (Abbott), 372Flemming, Brian, 211-12Flew, Antony, 82n'Flood geology', 334Flying Spaghetti Monster, 53, 55Flynn, Tom, 44n, 94Forrest, Barbara, 211fossil record, 127-8Founding Fathers, 38-46Franklin, Benjamin, 43Fraser, Giles, 41Fraunhofer, Joseph von, 48Frayn, Michael, 183Frazer, James, 36, 188Free Inquiry, 6-1, 44n, 94, 96nFreedom From ReligionFoundation (FFRF), 212Freethinkers: A History ofAmerican Secularism (Jacoby),38Freethought Society of GreaterPhiladelphia, 45Freethought Today, 212French, Peter, 336Frisch, Karl von, 182Frum, John, 203-6fundamentalism, 282-6Fundamentals of Extremism,The (Blaker), 288Galileo, 369Galouye, Daniel E, 73Galton, Francis, 61Gandhi, Mohandas, 45, 250, 271gaps, worship of, 125-34Gasking, Douglas, 83-4Gaunilo, 83Gaylor, Anne, 395Gell-Mann, Murray, 146gene, selfish, 215-16gene cartels, 197-8generosity, 218-19, 220, 221genes, 191, 192, 197-8Genes, Memes and HumanHistory (Shennan), 196Genesis, book of, 237-8, 240,242,334genetic drift, 189Genghis Khan, 268-9Gershwin, George, 94ghosts, 90-1Gillooly, Robert, 94Glenn, Norval D., 261Glover, J., 393God, Chance and Necessity(Ward), 149-50'god centre' in brain, 168-9God Hypothesis: argument fromimprobability, 114; definition,31, 38, 58, 71; goodnessissue, 108; invulnerability toscience, 66; probability of, 46,114; simplicity, 149; untenable,158; versions, 32God Who Wasn't There, The(Flemming), 211Goebbels, Josef, 277Goering, Hermann, 274Golden Bough, The (Frazer), 36,188golden calf, 244-5Goldilocks zone, 135-7, 143,147Goldwater, Barry, 39Golgi Apparatus, 283-4, 285Good Samaritan, 215, 220Goodenough, Ursula, 13Goodwin, Jan, 302gospels, 92-7, 152Gott, John William, 288Gould, Stephen Jay, 55, 57-8,60, 71, 284Graham, Billy, 95Grand, Steve, 370, 371Graves, Robert, 252Gray, Muriel, 304, 394Grayling, A. C., 231, 393Great Beethoven Fallacy,298-300Great Vowel Shift, 189, 198-9Greer, Germaine, 25Gregory, Richard, 389Gregory the Miracle Worker, 34Gross, Paul, 211group selection, 169-72Guardian, 41, 133, 294, 332HADD (hyperactive agent detectiondevice), 184Haggard, Ted ('Pastor Ted'),319, 320Haitian Voodoo, 326Haldane, J. B. S., 128, 364, 372,374Halley's Comet, 136hallucinations, 88, 154, 349-51Hamilton, W. D., 216Hari, Johann, 302Harries, Richard, 335Harris, Sam: on bin Laden,303-4; on end-of-worldbeliefs, 302; on nakedness,252; on religion and crime,229-30; on religion and sanity,88; on religion and war,278; on suicide bomber,304-5Hartung, John, 253, 254-5,257-8Has Science Found God?(Stenger), 118Hassan, Nasra, 305Haught, James, 98Hauser, Marc, 214, 222-6Hawking, Stephen, 13, 14, 18Haydn, Josef, 87HealthFreedomUSA, 369hell, 319-22Hell Houses, 319-20Helms, Jesse, 290Herod, King, 93, 94Hess, Rudolf, 273-4

I N D E X 403Hill, Paul, 294-5, 296-7Hinde, Robert, 177, 184, 214,232, 341Hinduism, 32, 33, 260Hiroshima, 64nHis Dark Materials (Pullman),130nHitchcock, Alfred, 315Hitchens, Christopher, 42, 292,354Hitchhiker's Guide to theGalaxy, The (Adams), 364Hitler, Adolf: atheist or not,153, 272-8; birth, 299;Catholicism, 273-7; evilactions, 107,231,268-9;fight against, 67; Jewish policy,16; morality, 230-1, 247;Zeitgeist of his time, 270Hollo way, Richard, 237Holocaust, 64homosexuality: Darwinianapproach, 166; religious attitudes,23-4, 238, 248,289-91; US attitudes, 23-4,238, 288, 289-91Horgan, John, 151-3How the Mind Works (Pinker),168How We Believe (Shermer), 102,168Hoyle, Fred, 72, 113, 117, 122,142Hugo, Victor, 309Human Genome Project, 99Hume, Basil, 356, 358Hume, David, 83, 91, 114, 157Humphrey, Nicholas, 325-6,327-30Huxley, Aldous, 84, 86Huxley, Julian, 150Huxley, T. H.: agnosticism,48-50, 54, 71; misquoted,213; position in moralZeitgeist, 271; racialperspective, 266-7hydrogen, 142-3Idolatry (Halbertal andMargalit), 244ignorance, 125-6illusions, optical, 89-90, 154imaginary friends, 347-52immune system, 133In Gods We Trust (Atran), 36,177Inca religion, 327-8Independent, 21, 52n, 249, 302,333, 337-8, 340India, partition, 1, 45-6, 260indulgences, 358Inquisition, 312-13inspiration, 360-2intelligent design (ID), 61, 82n,113, 124-5, 126, 131-3intentional stance, 182-3IQ and religiosity, 102-3Iran, rule of ayatollahs, 302Iraq: invasion of, 21, 268, 303;sectarian conflict, 21, 260Ireland, education, 316-17irreducible complexity (IC), 122,125, 131Is There a God? (Swinburne),58, 147Isaac, 242-3, 251, 265Ishmael, 242Islam: as memeplex, 200;Danish cartoon issue, 24-7;foundation, 37, 287; Indianpartition, 260; law on intermarriage,287; power ofscripture, 242; religious education,3, 306; status ofwomen, 302Israel: Palestinian conflict, 1,302; schoolchildren's view ofJoshua, 255-7IVF (in vitro fertilization), 294Jacoby, Susan, 38Jammer, Max, 16Javers, R., 394Jaynes, Julian, 350-1Jefferson, Thomas: religiousviews, 42-3, 45, 75, 111; supportfor Paine, 38; view ofdeath, 354; view of God, 31;view of Jesus' birth, 97; viewof Trinity, 34Jephthah, 243Jericho, battle of, 247, 255-7,261Jerry Springer, the Opera, 288Jesus: accounts of life, 95-7,206; atonement for sin,251-3; birth, 93-5, 97; divinestatus, 92; ethics, 250-1;Jewish background, 257, 276;miracles, 59, 73, 107; parentage,59; persona, 31; power,213Jesus (Wilson), 93, 96nJews: Arab anti-Jewish cartoons,26; children's loyalty toJudaism, 255-7; Christiananti-semitism, 1, 275;Einstein, 16; electability in US,4; Hitler's policy towards, 16,274-5; Holocaust, 64; lobbyin US, 4, 44; Mortara kidnapcase, 311-15; religious beliefs,14, 37, 53, 259; religioushomogamy, 262John, gospel of, 93John Paul II, Pope, 35, 67Johnson, Phillip E., 5, 82nJones, John E., 131, 133Joseph, 93-4, 95, 96nJoshua, 247, 255-7, 261Joshua, book of, 247Judaism, see JewsJudas Iscariot, 252-3Judges, book of, 240-1, 243, 255Juergensmeyer, Mark, 294, 295Jung, Carl Gustav, 50, 51Jupiter, planet, 136Just Six Numbers (Rees), 141-2Jyllands-Posten, 24, 25kamikazes, 306Kaminer, Wendy, 4Kant, Immanuel, 83, 224,231-2, 233Karzai, Hamid, 287Katrina, hurricane, 239Keleman, Deborah, 181, 184Kelvin, William Thomson, Lord,98-9Kenny, Anthony, 186Ken's Guide to the Bible, 258Kertzer, David I., 311Khomeini, Ayatollah, 288Kidnapping of Edgar doMortara, The (Kertzer), 311Kilduff, M., 394kindness, 218-19,221King, Coretta Scott, 290-1King, Martin Luther, 250, 271,290King Jesus (Graves), 252kinship, 216, 218, 220Kohn, Marek, 161Koran, see Qur'anKPFT-FM, Irish radio station,339Kurtz, Paul, 361Ladman, Cathy, 167-8Lady Chatterley's Lover(Lawrence), 268Lane, B., 394Lane Fox, Robin, 93-4, 95language evolution, 189, 198Laplace, Pierre-Simon, 46nLarson, Edward J., 100-1, 102Latimer, Hugh, 314Laughing Gas (Wodehouse), 180Lawrence, Raymond J., 65Layfield, Stephen, 332-6Lear, Edward, 78leaves, 139Lennon, John, 1Leslie, John, 144Letter to a Christian Nation(Harris), 229-30, 252, 302Letting Go of God (Sweeney),250, 323-4Leviticus, book of, 248Lewis, C.S., 92Lewontin, Richard, 164LGM (Little Green Men) signal,71-2Liberty University, 289life, origin of, 137-41Life - How Did It Get Here?,119Life of Brian, The (MontyPython), 202Life of the Cosmos, The(Smolin), 146Life Science, The (Medawar),298light, visible, 362-3

402 T H E GOD D E L U S I O N

Donne, John, 221

Dornan, Bob, 288

Dostoevsky, Feodor, 227

Douglas, Stephen A., 267

Douglas, William O., 330

Downey, Margaret, 45

Drake Equation, 70-1

Dreams of a Final Theory

(Weinberg), 12

Drummond, Bulldog, 266

dualism, 179-81, 183

Dutchman's Pipe, 120

Dyson, Freeman, 144, 152

Earth, orbit of, 135-6

Edge website, 152

education: Amish, 329-31; creationist,

331-7; religious,

341-4; segregated, 261; teaching

that faith is a virtue,


Ehrman, Bart, 95

Einstein, Albert: mask of, 89; on

morality, 226; on personal

God, 9, 15; on purpose of life,

209; religious views, 13, 14,

15-19, 20

Eisenhower, Dwight, 289

Electric Meme, The (Aunger),


electrons, 147-8, 363-4

Elizabeth II, Queen, 205-6

embryos, human, 291-8, 300

Emerson, Ralph Waldo, 29

Emmanuel College, Gateshead,


End of Faith, The (Harris), 88,


Engel, Gerhard, 274

Enigma code, 289

eucaryotic cell, 140

Euler, Leonhard, 84

euthanasia, 293, 356-7

evidence, 282-3

evil, existence of, 108

evolution: belief in, 282-3; continuity,

300-1; design and, 61,

79, 158; evolved organs, 129,

134; process of, 122, 134-5

Evolution vs Creationism

(Scott), 66

Exclusive Brethren, the, 321-2

Existence of God, The

(Swinburne), 64n

Extended Phenotype, The

(Dawkins), 165

eyes, 123-4, 139, 179

Fabric of Reality, The (Deutsch),


faith, 308

Falwell, Jerry, 289

Faraday, Michael, 98

Fatima vision (1917), 91-2

Faulhaber, Michael, 277

Female of the Species, The

('Sapper'), 266

feminism, 115-16

Feynman, Richard, 365

Finding Darwin's God (Miller),


Fisher, Helen, 184-5

Flatland (Abbott), 372

Flemming, Brian, 211-12

Flew, Antony, 82n

'Flood geology', 334

Flying Spaghetti Monster, 53, 55

Flynn, Tom, 44n, 94

Forrest, Barbara, 211

fossil record, 127-8

Founding Fathers, 38-46

Franklin, Benjamin, 43

Fraser, Giles, 41

Fraunhofer, Joseph von, 48

Frayn, Michael, 183

Frazer, James, 36, 188

Free Inquiry, 6-1, 44n, 94, 96n

Freedom From Religion

Foundation (FFRF), 212

Freethinkers: A History of

American Secularism (Jacoby),


Freethought Society of Greater

Philadelphia, 45

Freethought Today, 212

French, Peter, 336

Frisch, Karl von, 182

Frum, John, 203-6

fundamentalism, 282-6

Fundamentals of Extremism,

The (Blaker), 288

Galileo, 369

Galouye, Daniel E, 73

Galton, Francis, 61

Gandhi, Mohandas, 45, 250, 271

gaps, worship of, 125-34

Gasking, Douglas, 83-4

Gaunilo, 83

Gaylor, Anne, 395

Gell-Mann, Murray, 146

gene, selfish, 215-16

gene cartels, 197-8

generosity, 218-19, 220, 221

genes, 191, 192, 197-8

Genes, Memes and Human

History (Shennan), 196

Genesis, book of, 237-8, 240,


genetic drift, 189

Genghis Khan, 268-9

Gershwin, George, 94

ghosts, 90-1

Gillooly, Robert, 94

Glenn, Norval D., 261

Glover, J., 393

God, Chance and Necessity

(Ward), 149-50

'god centre' in brain, 168-9

God Hypothesis: argument from

improbability, 114; definition,

31, 38, 58, 71; goodness

issue, 108; invulnerability to

science, 66; probability of, 46,

114; simplicity, 149; untenable,

158; versions, 32

God Who Wasn't There, The

(Flemming), 211

Goebbels, Josef, 277

Goering, Hermann, 274

Golden Bough, The (Frazer), 36,


golden calf, 244-5

Goldilocks zone, 135-7, 143,


Goldwater, Barry, 39

Golgi Apparatus, 283-4, 285

Good Samaritan, 215, 220

Goodenough, Ursula, 13

Goodwin, Jan, 302

gospels, 92-7, 152

Gott, John William, 288

Gould, Stephen Jay, 55, 57-8,

60, 71, 284

Graham, Billy, 95

Grand, Steve, 370, 371

Graves, Robert, 252

Gray, Muriel, 304, 394

Grayling, A. C., 231, 393

Great Beethoven Fallacy,


Great Vowel Shift, 189, 198-9

Greer, Germaine, 25

Gregory, Richard, 389

Gregory the Miracle Worker, 34

Gross, Paul, 211

group selection, 169-72

Guardian, 41, 133, 294, 332

HADD (hyperactive agent detection

device), 184

Haggard, Ted ('Pastor Ted'),

319, 320

Haitian Voodoo, 326

Haldane, J. B. S., 128, 364, 372,


Halley's Comet, 136

hallucinations, 88, 154, 349-51

Hamilton, W. D., 216

Hari, Johann, 302

Harries, Richard, 335

Harris, Sam: on bin Laden,

303-4; on end-of-world

beliefs, 302; on nakedness,

252; on religion and crime,

229-30; on religion and sanity,

88; on religion and war,

278; on suicide bomber,


Hartung, John, 253, 254-5,


Has Science Found God?

(Stenger), 118

Hassan, Nasra, 305

Haught, James, 98

Hauser, Marc, 214, 222-6

Hawking, Stephen, 13, 14, 18

Haydn, Josef, 87

HealthFreedomUSA, 369

hell, 319-22

Hell Houses, 319-20

Helms, Jesse, 290

Herod, King, 93, 94

Hess, Rudolf, 273-4

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