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religion is something for her to choose - or reject - when she

becomes old enough to do so.

A good case can indeed be made for the educational benefits of

teaching comparative religion. Certainly my own doubts were first

aroused, at the age of about nine, by the lesson (which came not

from school but from my parents) that the Christian religion in

which I was brought up was only one of many mutually incompatible

belief-systems. Religious apologists themselves realize this

and it often frightens them. After that nativity play story in the

Independent, not a single letter to the Editor complained of

the religious labelling of the four-year-olds. The only negative letter

came from 'The Campaign for Real Education', whose spokesman,

Nick Seaton, said multi-faith religious education was extremely

dangerous because 'Children these days are taught that all religions

are of equal worth, which means that their own has no special

value.' Yes indeed; that is exactly what it means. Well might this

spokesman worry. On another occasion, the same individual said,

'To present all faiths as equally valid is wrong. Everybody is entitled

to think their faith is superior to others, be they Hindus, Jews,

Muslims or Christians - otherwise what's the point in having

faith?' 151

What indeed? And what transparent nonsense this is! These

faiths are mutually incompatible. Otherwise what is the point of

thinking your faith superior? Most of them, therefore, cannot be

'superior to others'. Let children learn about different faiths, let

them notice their incompatibility, and let them draw their own conclusions

about the consequences of that incompatibility. As for

whether any are 'valid', let them make up their own minds when

they are old enough to do so.



I must admit that even I am a little taken aback at the biblical

ignorance commonly displayed by people educated in more recent

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