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HI-: ' G O O D ' B O O K A N D T H r M O R A ) /. V 1'i C E } S 1' 263

most religious people, whether or not they think their morals come

from scripture. With notable exceptions such as the Afghan Taliban

and the American Christian equivalent, most people pay lip service

to the same broad liberal consensus of ethical principles. The

majority of us don't cause needless suffering; we believe in free

speech and protect it even if we disagree with what is being said; we

pay our taxes; we don't cheat, don't kill, don't commit incest, don't

do things to others that we would not wish done to us. Some of

these good principles can be found in holy books, but buried alongside

much else that no decent person would wish to follow: and the

holy books do not supply any rules for distinguishing the good

principles from the bad.

One way to express our consensual ethics is as a 'New Ten

Commandments'. Various individuals and institutions have

attempted this. What is significant is that they tend to produce

rather similar results to each other, and what they produce is

characteristic of the times in which they happen to live. Here is one

set of 'New Ten Commandments' from today, which I happened to

find on an atheist website. 103

• Do not do to others what you would not want them to do to


• In all things, strive to cause no harm.

• Treat your fellow human beings, your fellow living things, and

the world in general with love, honesty, faithfulness and


• Do not overlook evil or shrink from administering justice, but

always be ready to forgive wrongdoing freely admitted and

honestly regretted.

• Live life with a sense of joy and wonder.

• Always seek to be learning something new.

• Test all things; always check your ideas against the facts, and

be ready to discard even a cherished belief if it does not

conform to them.

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