

W H Y T H E R E A I . M O S T C H R T AFNI.Y IS NO (, O I) 133can avail us nothing and which man should not wish to learn'(quoted in Freeman 2002).Another of Behe's favourite alleged examples of 'irreduciblecomplexity' is the immune system. Let Judge Jones himself take upthe story:In fact, on cross-examination, Professor Behe wasquestioned concerning his 1996 claim that science wouldnever find an evolutionary explanation for the immunesystem. He was presented with fifty-eight peer-reviewedpublications, nine books, and several immunology textbookchapters about the evolution of the immune system;however, he simply insisted that this was still not sufficientevidence of evolution, and that it was not 'good enough.'Behe, under cross-examination by Eric Rothschild, chief counsel forthe plaintiffs, was forced to admit that he hadn't read most of thosefifty-eight peer-reviewed papers. Hardly surprising, for immunologyis hard work. Less forgivable is that Behe dismissed suchresearch as 'unfruitful'. It certainly is unfruitful if your aim is tomake propaganda among gullible laypeople and politicians, ratherthan to discover important truths about the real world. Afterlistening to Behe, Rothschild eloquently summed up what everyhonest person in that courtroom must have felt:Thankfully, there are scientists who do search for answersto the question of the origin of the immune system . . . It'sour defense against debilitating and fatal diseases. Thescientists who wrote those books and articles toil inobscurity, without book royalties or speaking engagements.Their efforts help us combat and cure seriousmedical conditions. By contrast, Professor Behe and theentire intelligent design movement are doing nothing toadvance scientific or medical knowledge and are tellingfuture generations of scientists, don't bother. 64As the American geneticist Jerry Coyne put it in his review ofBehe's book: 'If the history of science shows us anything, it is that

134 "! in: i, o D i) 1.1 U S I O Nwe get nowhere by labelling our ignorance "God".' Or, in thewords of an eloquent blogger, commenting on an article onintelligent design in the Guardian by Coyne and me,Why is God considered an explanation for anything? It's not- it's a failure to explain, a shrug of the shoulders, an 'Idunno' dressed up in spirituality and ritual. If someone creditssomething to God, generally what it means is that theyhaven't a clue, so they're attributing it to an unreachable,unknowable sky-fairy. Ask for an explanation of wherethat bloke came from, and odds are you'll get a vague,pseudo-philosophical reply about having always existed, orbeing outside nature. Which, of course, explains nothing. 65Darwinism raises our consciousness in other ways. Evolvedorgans, elegant and efficient as they often are, also demonstraterevealing flaws - exactly as you'd expect if they have anevolutionary history, and exactly as you would not expect if theywere designed. I have discussed examples in other books: the recurrentlaryngeal nerve, for one, which betrays its evolutionaryhistory in a massive and wasteful detour on its way to its destination.Many of our human ailments, from lower back pain to hernias,prolapsed uteruses and our susceptibility to sinus infections, resultdirectly from the fact that we now walk upright with a body thatwas shaped over hundreds of millions of years to walk on all fours.Our consciousness is also raised by the cruelty and wastefulness ofnatural selection. Predators seem beautifully 'designed' to catchprey animals, while the prey animals seem equally beautifully'designed' to escape them. Whose side is God on? 66THE ANTHROPIC PRINCIPLE:PLANETARY VERSIONGap theologians who may have given up on eyes and wings,flagellar motors and immune systems, often pin their remaining

134 "! in: i, o D i) 1.1 U S I O N

we get nowhere by labelling our ignorance "God".' Or, in the

words of an eloquent blogger, commenting on an article on

intelligent design in the Guardian by Coyne and me,

Why is God considered an explanation for anything? It's not

- it's a failure to explain, a shrug of the shoulders, an 'I

dunno' dressed up in spirituality and ritual. If someone credits

something to God, generally what it means is that they

haven't a clue, so they're attributing it to an unreachable,

unknowable sky-fairy. Ask for an explanation of where

that bloke came from, and odds are you'll get a vague,

pseudo-philosophical reply about having always existed, or

being outside nature. Which, of course, explains nothing. 65

Darwinism raises our consciousness in other ways. Evolved

organs, elegant and efficient as they often are, also demonstrate

revealing flaws - exactly as you'd expect if they have an

evolutionary history, and exactly as you would not expect if they

were designed. I have discussed examples in other books: the recurrent

laryngeal nerve, for one, which betrays its evolutionary

history in a massive and wasteful detour on its way to its destination.

Many of our human ailments, from lower back pain to hernias,

prolapsed uteruses and our susceptibility to sinus infections, result

directly from the fact that we now walk upright with a body that

was shaped over hundreds of millions of years to walk on all fours.

Our consciousness is also raised by the cruelty and wastefulness of

natural selection. Predators seem beautifully 'designed' to catch

prey animals, while the prey animals seem equally beautifully

'designed' to escape them. Whose side is God on? 66



Gap theologians who may have given up on eyes and wings,

flagellar motors and immune systems, often pin their remaining

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