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W H Y r H E RE A 1. M O S T C F.RTAIN L Y I S N O G () I) 129

they simultaneously appear to shoot each other with pistols, and

each appears to catch the bullet in his teeth. Elaborate precautions

are taken to scratch identifying marks on the bullets before they are

put in the guns, the whole procedure is witnessed at close range by

volunteers from the audience who have experience of firearms, and

apparently all possibilities for trickery are eliminated. Teller's

marked bullet ends up in Penn's mouth and Penn's marked bullet

ends up in Teller's. I [Richard Dawkins] am utterly unable to think

of any way in which this could be a trick. The Argument from

Personal Incredulity screams from the depths of my prescientific

brain centres, and almost compels me to say, 'It must be a miracle.

There is no scientific explanation. It's got to be supernatural.' But

the still small voice of scientific education speaks a different

message. Penn and Teller are world-class illusionists. There is a

perfectly good explanation. It is just that I am too naive, or too

unobservant, or too unimaginative, to think of it. That is the proper

response to a conjuring trick. It is also the proper response to a

biological phenomenon that appears to be irreducibly complex.

Those people who leap from personal bafflement at a natural

phenomenon straight to a hasty invocation of the supernatural are

no better than the fools who see a conjuror bending a spoon and

leap to the conclusion that it is 'paranormal'.

In his book Seven Clues to the Origin of Life, the Scottish

chemist A. G. Cairns-Smith makes an additional point, using the

analogy of an arch. A free-standing arch of rough-hewn stones and

no mortar can be a stable structure, but it is irreducibly complex: it

collapses if any one stone is removed. How, then, was it built in the

first place? One way is to pile a solid heap of stones, then carefully

remove stones one by one. More generally, there are many

structures that are irreducible in the sense that they cannot survive

the subtraction of any part, but which were built with the aid of

scaffolding that was subsequently subtracted and is no longer

visible. Once the structure is completed, the scaffolding can be

removed safely and the structure remains standing. In evolution,

too, the organ or structure you are looking at may have had

scaffolding in an ancestor which has since been removed.

'Irreducible complexity' is not a new idea, but the phrase itself

was invented by the creationist Michael Behe in 1996. 62 He is

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