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120 T H K G O D I) E I, V S I O N

and no sane biologist ever suggested that it was. Design is not a real

solution either, as we shall see later; but for the moment I want to

continue demonstrating the problem that any theory of life must

solve: the problem of how to escape from chance.

Turning Watchtower's page, we find the wonderful plant known

as Dutchman's Pipe (Aristolochia trilobata), all of whose parts seem

elegantly designed to trap insects, cover them with pollen and send

them on their way to another Dutchman's Pipe. The intricate

elegance of the flower moves Watchtower to ask: 'Did all of this

happen by chance? Or did it happen by intelligent design?' Once

again, no of course it didn't happen by chance. Once again, intelligent

design is not the proper alternative to chance. Natural

selection is not only a parsimonious, plausible and elegant solution;

it is the only workable alternative to chance that has ever been

suggested. Intelligent design suffers from exactly the same objection

as chance. It is simply not a plausible solution to the riddle of

statistical improbability. And the higher the improbability, the more

implausible intelligent design becomes. Seen clearly, intelligent

design will turn out to be a redoubling of the problem. Once again,

this is because the designer himself (/herself/itself) immediately

raises the bigger problem of his own origin. Any entity capable of

intelligently designing something as improbable as a Dutchman's

Pipe (or a universe) would have to be even more improbable than a

Dutchman's Pipe. Far from terminating the vicious regress, God

aggravates it with a vengeance.

Turn another Watchtower page for an eloquent account of the

giant redwood (Sequoiadendron giganteum), a tree for which I

have a special affection because I have one in my garden - a mere

baby, scarcely more than a century old, but still the tallest tree in

the neighbourhood. 'A puny man, standing at a sequoia's base, can

only gaze upward in silent awe at its massive grandeur. Does it

make sense to believe that the shaping of this majestic giant and

of the tiny seed that packages it was not by design?' Yet again, if

you think the only alternative to design is chance then, no, it does

not make sense. But again the authors omit all mention of the real

alternative, natural selection, either because they genuinely don't

understand it or because they don't want to.

The process by which plants, whether tiny pimpernels or

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