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W H Y T H E R E A I. M O S T C E R T A I N L Y IS NO G O D 115

think that it's springtime back on Earth!' You may not immediately

see what's wrong with this, so deeply ingrained is the unconscious

northern hemisphere chauvinism in those of us who live there, and

even some who don't. 'Unconscious' is exactly right. That is where

consciousness-raising comes in. It is for a deeper reason than

gimmicky fun that, in Australia and New Zealand, you can buy

maps of the world with the South Pole on top. What splendid

consciousness-raisers those maps would be, pinned to the walls of

our northern hemisphere classrooms. Day after day, the children

would be reminded that 'north' is an arbitrary polarity which has

no monopoly on 'up'. The map would intrigue them as well as raise

their consciousness. They'd go home and tell their parents - and, by

the way, giving children something with which to surprise their

parents is one of the greatest gifts a teacher can bestow.

It was the feminists who raised my consciousness of the power

of consciousness-raising. 'Herstory' is obviously ridiculous, if only

because the 'his' in 'history' has no etymological connection with

the masculine pronoun. It is as etymologically silly as the sacking,

in 1999, of a Washington official whose use of 'niggardly' was held

to give racial offence. But even daft examples like 'niggardly' or

'herstory' succeed in raising consciousness. Once we have

smoothed our philological hackles and stopped laughing, herstory

shows us history from a different point of view. Gendered pronouns

notoriously are the front line of such consciousness-raising. He or

she must ask himself or herself whether his or her sense of style

could ever allow himself or herself to write like this. But if we can

just get over the clunking infelicity of the language, it raises our

consciousness to the sensitivities of half the human race. Man,

mankind, the Rights of Man, all men are created equal, one man

one vote - English too often seems to exclude woman. * When I was

young, it never occurred to me that women might feel slighted by a

phrase like 'the future of man'. During the intervening decades, we

have all had our consciousness raised. Even those who still use

'man' instead of 'human' do so with an air of self-conscious

apology - or truculence, taking a stand for traditional language,

even deliberately to rile feminists. All participants in the Zeitgeist

* Classical Latin and Greek were better equipped. Latin homo (Greek anthropo-)

means human, as opposed to vir (andro-) which means man, and fetnina (gyne-)

which means woman. Thus anthropology pertains to all humanity, where andrology

and gynecology are sexually exclusive branches of medicine.

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