Untitled - CSUN ScholarWorks - California State University, Northridge

Untitled - CSUN ScholarWorks - California State University, Northridge

Untitled - CSUN ScholarWorks - California State University, Northridge


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esistant barriers, causing you to hit them and then push<br />

through, hit the next drift and push through.<br />

A young farm kid, still in his teens, tried to drive an<br />

open road home in one of those blizzards that winter. In<br />

North Dakota, everything is so open and flat that it is<br />

possible to drive right off a highway and into a ditch and<br />

only know you've left the road because you've hit a barbed<br />

wire fence. That boy was considered to be very lucky--to<br />

have survived a night without emergency supplies in his<br />

car, alone. I wonder now, how he will farm his family's<br />

land, having lost both his arms and his legs, amputated<br />

because of the hypothermia and frostbite.<br />

When you have been out in the cold for a long time,<br />

your hands and feet go numb. They are the farthest from<br />

your heart, farthest from the supply of warm blood. I rub<br />

my hands together, take off my mittens and breathe the<br />

moist air from my lungs into them, clenching them,<br />

unclenching them and put my gloves back on. It is getting<br />

dark. There is no setting sun to see, it is the gradual<br />

receding of the light, the encroachment of the dark. I cannot<br />

feel my toes anymore. I have been skating on the creek<br />

which winds like a snake in the woods behind my parent's<br />

house. It is suddenly time to go in. I struggle up the<br />

embankment still in my skates, grabbing onto exposed tree<br />

limbs and tough dead grasses to pull myself up. The<br />

darkness brings with it fear. The cloud cover that has hung<br />

ominously overhead all day has parted and I see glimpses<br />

of a pale wintry moon rising slowly in the sky through the<br />

bare tree branches. I am young, but instinct tells me to get<br />

to shelter soon.<br />

Expecting the treatment of manic-depressive illness to<br />

proceed in a straightforward manner is likely to create<br />

secondary problems. As new medications, like prozac, are<br />

created and used, so are new expectations regarding<br />

immediate cures. Periods of normal time are often affected<br />


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