Discover Sixty-Five: March 2023

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March Horoscope

ARIES – Mar 21/Apr 20

1st Week: Take a few deep

breaths before forging

ahead with a plan that you

have in mind, Aries. You

might need to think things

through a little more in the

days to come.

2nd Week: A development

may have you feeling a bit

down, Aries. That is only

temporary, though, as your

mood and circumstances

will rebound in no time at


3rd Week: So many things

are moving your way, Aries.

As the week progresses,

your energy level could rise

and you will get much more

done. Leave time for meaningful


4th Week: It is very important

that you do not count

your chickens before they

hatch, Aries. Something you

suspected was a sure thing

may not pan out this week.

TAURUS – Apr 21/May 21

1st Week: Taurus, when a

new opportunity arises, you

may feel like a fish out of water

until you get into a routine.

After that learning period,

things will come more


2nd Week: Taurus, people

you encounter this week

may be exceptionally stubborn,

so you may need to

avoid confrontations. Keep

your emotions in check as

best as you can.

3rd Week: Taurus, connect

with nature this week. Go

hiking at a national park or

visit a zoo and take in the exotic

animals. Fresh outdoor

air is just what you need.

4th Week: Friendships

could falter due to your insecurities,

Gemini. Others

want to be around you for

good reason. Try to see the

value in relationships and

make the effort to socialize.

GEMINI – May 22/Jun 21

1st Week: Gemini, do not

wait around for change to

come. Sometimes you have

to get the ball rolling yourself.

Put plans in motion and

figure out who will join you.

2nd Week: Gemini, the

weather may not be suitable

for getting much done outdoors,

but you can certainly

stay busy inside the house

with any projects you have

been putting off.

3rd Week: Gemini, this

week marks a new cycle for

you. This means you should

focus your energy on your

ideas and try to narrow

down prospects as much as


4th Week: Friendships

could falter due to your insecurities,

Gemini. Others

want to be around you for

good reason. Try to see the

value in relationships and

make the effort to socialize.

CANCER – Jun 22/Jul 22

1st Week: Cancer, right now

is a big waiting game, and

that could have you feeling

a bit frustrated. If you are

ready for action, take on a

hobby or something else to

stay busy.

2nd Week: This is a great

opportunity for getting rid

of any clutter that has been

holding you back, Cancer.

Start sorting through the garage

or cleaning out a desk

at work.

3rd Week: You may need

a little inspiration to get

moving this week, Cancer.

While it’s alright to take it

easy on Monday or Tuesday,

by Wednesday you need to

shake away what’s holding

you back.

4th Week: Cancer, you

could be defeating your

own efforts this week. There

may be something telling

you that you’re not good

enough to go for your goals.

A pep talk can put you back

on course.

LEO – Jul 23/Aug 23

1st Week: Leo, you may get

wind that others are talking

about you when you are not

around. Remember that all

publicity is good publicity.

You’re on their minds and

that’s important.

2nd Week: Leo, do not worry

about the small stuff that

you feel could be holding

you back. If you step away

from the situation, you may

find that everything is working


3rd Week: Your brain is

filled with many thoughts,

Leo. With so much buzzing

around in your head, it may

be challenging to focus.

Consult with a friend to help

you out.

4th Week: There’s a fresh

development in your love

life coming down the pike,

Leo. Romantic feelings solidify

and you might be in for

some exciting adventures in

the weeks to come.

VIRGO – Aug 24/Sept 22

1st Week: Virgo, after a few

tumultuous months, you finally

get into a groove and

forge a new path for yourself.

You may be surprised by

what comes your way.

2nd Week: Virgo, there are

plenty of opportunities

open to you, but you may

not realize they are so close

by. A friend may need to

guide your way on this for

the time being.

3rd Week: Virgo, enjoy the

calm while you can because

later in the week the pace

may become frenzied. Emotions

may run high as everyone

is rushing around.

4th Week: Virgo, the crowd

around you may not be the

support system you need

right now. Making new

friends can be tough, but it’s

worthy pursuit at this point.


March 2023 Discover Sixty-Five email: seniors@pennywiseads.com

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