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Hofmann proposed that you

should live with him and

his wife?

Yes, in Ticino, the Italian

part of Switzerland. At first

I said,“No, I am leaving: my

family is here and we are going

to travel.” But he made such

a big fuss that I talked to my

mother and family.We were

traveling and touring to the

north, to England, and instead

we went south, to Italy, and the

southern part of Switzerland.

We went down there with

my mother and family to

meet his wife, Dorothea

Hofmann—Dorothea is one of

my most favorite women on

the planet, by the way.Ticino

was so beautiful,not at all like

Basel, which I liked, and it was

during the summer, which

was a special warm and balmy

season. He said,“Why don’t you

try it for a while?” That was it.

I got a chance to study with the

master privately there, so I did!

How long did you stay with

the Hofmanns?

Such a short time, only about

three months.Then I got a

telegram in our little village,

Gadero, inviting me to teach

at the Philadelphia College of

Arts [now the University of the

Arts]. I thought this telegram

was a mistake and I ignored

it.Then I got another one.This

was very confusing, and in

this little village it was a big

thing. I asked Hofmann about

this and he said,“Oh yeah, I

recommended you to teach

there.” I replied, ”Oh no, I don’t

want to teach, I’m not ready

yet, I am still a student.” He

replied, “Well, you can’t stay

here any longer.” I replied,“But

I don’t want to teach.” And he

said,“Oh yes, you will.” And so

he pushed me “out of the nest,”

so to speak. I didn’t speak to

him for years as it was so

hard for me to accept this

responsibility, and I thought he

wasn’t interested in me and my

work, so took it as an offense.

And so, off I went and taught

typography in Philadelphia. It

was ridiculous, because I didn’t

know very much myself, but

that is what happened, and in

retrospect, to my great fortune.

Did you work closely

with Weingart?

Yes, like everybody did in our

class. I was so unhappy and ill in

Basel, wanting to get out of the

school as quickly as possible.

I also took a painting class

while there. Basically all the

classes I took were Hofmann’s

class and typography with

Weingart. That was it. It was

helpful that Weingart really

liked me, so he made special

arrangements for me to work

in the type shop. I was a bit of

a teacher’s pet. Although I was

not technically very proficient,

I learned how to hand set type,

use a proofing press, and the

rest of my studies were very

experimental. He really started

a typo-revolution. It was all

very Dada and Constructivist

for me. The Dadaists and the

Constructivists used words and

“said” something more than

just the name and date of an

event: they took a position, were

political. I may be wrong, most

likely, but Weingart was, I think,

picking up on that tradition,

creating “narrative” with type.

He seemed to understand the

special “complexion” of our

class, and made it very playful

and open-ended.


April Greiman

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