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The Light of the World<br />

kingdom of His beloved Son and of His Church. As members of the Church, we become members<br />

of the body of Christ, branches of the living vine, living by the Spirit of Christ, filled with<br />

Christ, and destined one day to share His inheritance in heaven. Finally, Christ has redeemed us<br />

through His suffering and death, and has obtained for us the remission of sins. We should give<br />

“thanks to God the Father” by our continual consciousness of the graces He has poured forth<br />

upon us in Christ Jesus. Our lives should be an unbroken “Thanks be to God,” an uninterrupted<br />

eucharist, a continual act of gratitude to God the Father.<br />

The object of the liturgy during the past year has been to give us a better understanding of the<br />

benefits God has bestowed on us in the incarnation of His only-begotten Son and in His life<br />

and teaching, in His suffering and death, in His resurrection, ascension, and glorification; she<br />

has striven to teach us the meaning of our incorporation in Christ and to induce us to live the<br />

life of the sons of God. She has sought to make us understand the importance of the Eucharist,<br />

which is offered by the priest each day and given to us as our spiritual nourishment. She would<br />

have us understand that Christ still operates in us and will continue to do so until we are finally<br />

prepared to share with Him His eternal glory and blessedness. We should continually meditate<br />

on these truths.<br />

“Brethren, we cease not to pray . . . that you may be filled with the knowledge of the will<br />

of God in all wisdom” (Epistle). Once we are able to live in the knowledge of what God is<br />

and what He has done for us, and we are absorbed by this thought in spite of all the bitter<br />

trials that come to us, in spite of all misfortunes, difficulties, failures, and setbacks, then we<br />

are truly perfect Christians. Such a knowledge of God is not easily acquired. To keep one’s<br />

gaze fixed on God and Christ throughout the day is not an easy task. The world about us<br />

tends to distract our attention from the part that Christ and God play in our redemption and<br />

sanctification. Our own efforts to work out our salvation tend to take the place of primary<br />

importance. In a world in which evil is so predominant, the grace and work of Christ and<br />

God appear remote and unreal. We are occupied too much with ourselves and too little<br />

with God, our Savior; we therefore are no longer able to view life in its proper perspective.<br />

Thus, too, we lose that spirit of Christian joy and confidence which characterized the life of<br />

St. Paul. “For I am sure that neither death nor life, . . . nor things present nor things to come,<br />

nor might . . . nor any other creature shall be able to separate us from the love of God which<br />

is in Christ Jesus” (Rom 8:38). God should occupy the first place in our lives.<br />

Prayer<br />

Arouse, we beseech Thee, O Lord, the wills of Thy faithful, that by more earnestly seeking the<br />

fruit of the divine work, they may receive more abundantly the gifts of Thy loving kindness.<br />

Through Christ our Lord. Amen.<br />

Thursday<br />

“Then shall appear the sign of the Son of Man in heaven. . . . They shall see the Son of Man coming<br />

in the clouds of heaven with much power and majesty” (Gospel). When evil has reached its<br />

climax, the Lord will appear, “and then that wicked one shall be revealed, whom the Lord Jesus<br />

shall kill with the spirit of His mouth, and shall destroy with the brightness of His coming” (2<br />


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