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The Light of the World<br />

of the Son of His love” (Epistle). We cry out with joy: “Thou hast delivered us, O Lord, from<br />

them that afflict us. . . . In Thy name we will give praise forever” (Gradual). Then the marvelous<br />

scene of the return of Christ is spread out before our eyes. When His time has come, the Son<br />

of Man will return with great power and glory. “He shall send His angels; and they shall gather<br />

together His elect from the four winds, from the farthest parts of the heavens to the utmost<br />

bounds of them” (Gospel). We receive this joyful message with a devout Credo: “I believe. . . .<br />

I expect the resurrection of the dead and the life of the world to come.”<br />

Now we come to the Offertory, and our sentiments are expressed in the Secreta: “Be propitious,<br />

O Lord, to our supplications, and accepting the offerings and prayers of Thy people, turn all our<br />

hearts unto Thee, that being delivered from earthly desires, we may pass on to heavenly desires.”<br />

Together with our offerings of bread and wine, we lay our hearts upon the paten. When we make<br />

this offering we detach our hearts from all “earthly desires,” from all evil inclinations, from all<br />

inordinate attachment to earthly goods, be they money, possessions, honors, position, or health.<br />

The bread, which was confected from many grains of wheat, and the wine, which is mixed with<br />

a few drops of water, are symbols of our union with Christ and the Church to form one unified<br />

and perfect sacrifice to the Father. We have been “delivered from earthly desires” and “pass on<br />

to heavenly desires” through the offering of this Holy Sacrifice. We wish to conform to the will<br />

of God in thought and in inclination, in wish and desire, in will and work, and to be “filled with<br />

the knowledge of the will of God in all wisdom and spiritual understanding; that [we] may<br />

walk worthy of God, in all things pleasing, being fruitful in every good work, and increasing<br />

in the knowledge of God, strengthened with all might according to the power of His glory”<br />

(Epistle). The Lord comes to us at the time of the consecration in power and glory, to fill us<br />

with His spirit and life, and to offer us as a “pure, holy, and unspotted victim” to the Father. In<br />

this sacrifice we become one bread, one body, one kingdom of Christ, offered to the Father. In<br />

this kingdom we shall be united in thought and desire to form one kingdom of grace and love.<br />

Meditation<br />

“They shall see the Son of Man coming in the clouds of heaven with much power and majesty”<br />

on the day when Christ returns to judge the world (Gospel). It is the day of the general judgment.<br />

“He shall come to judge the living and the dead” (Apostles’ Creed). The Lord still lives. He is<br />

not only the Redeemer of men; He is also the end of all creation. Once He appeared in the world<br />

in poverty and lowliness; but He will come again with power and majesty. “The moon shall not<br />

give her light and the stars shall fall from heaven, and the powers of heaven shall be moved; and<br />

then shall appear the sign of the Son of Man in heaven [the cross], and then shall all the tribes of<br />

the earth mourn; and they shall see the Son of Man coming in the clouds of heaven with much<br />

power and majesty” (Gospel). It is the day of Christ’s triumph, and He will be glorified before<br />

all men. First He will recall the dead to life by the power of His word, and they shall rise from<br />

their graves to appear before His judgment seat. They will not appear as individuals, for their<br />

fate has been settled at the time of the particular judgment and will not be changed; they will<br />

appear rather as part of the whole human race; they will be grouped according to their ideologies,<br />

politics, errors, according to their culture and age. They will be obliged to reveal their true<br />

character, whether they are good grain or useless chaff. They will have to confess whether they<br />


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