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The Time After Pentecost<br />

Him. We shall love Him, cling to Him, and receive all the blessings of His love. We shall<br />

possess God and be overwhelmed through the joy of that love. O life of inexpressible joy!<br />

We shall behold the beauty of God unveiled. We shall contemplate the infinite truth with<br />

perfect clarity. We shall possess all good things without measure and without any fear of<br />

ever losing them or ever becoming satiated with them. And this happiness we experience<br />

in one eternal, unbroken act. Yes, we shall be at home with God, enjoying the eternal and<br />

blessed possession of the divinity. And God will be within us, enlightening us by direct<br />

intuition. We shall all be as tiny suns, reflecting the glorious light of the mighty Sun that<br />

has risen upon us. We shall be at home, at rest, in the heart of our Father. We shall be at<br />

home, enjoying the most delightful and the most intimate union with the bridegroom of<br />

our souls. We shall be in possession of His glory, His blessing, His riches. “They shall be<br />

inebriated with the plenty of Thy house, and Thou shalt make them drink of the torrent<br />

of Thy pleasure” (Ps 35:9). We shall be at home with all the blessed of heaven, in company<br />

with our brothers and sisters in Christ, in company with all that are pure, strong,<br />

and noble. There will be no envy and no selfishness amongst us; we shall know only an<br />

all-embracing and universal charity. We shall be united one with the other, possessing but<br />

one heart and one soul in the love of God and of Christ. We shall be at home and shall<br />

have all that we desire: all truth, all knowledge, all virtue, all holiness, all honor, and the<br />

love of God and of the angels and the saints. We shall possess the love of God, of Mary,<br />

of all who are good and noble. O blessed home!<br />

“Let us always embrace that vision with perfect faith. Let us strive for it with all our hearts and<br />

achieve it by the continual practice of charity. Whether we achieve it or not depends entirely<br />

on us. Heaven suffers violence. Heaven can be purchased by no price less than yourself, O man.<br />

The measure of its value is the value of your very being. Give yourself completely, and you will<br />

possess it” (St. Bede).<br />

“For I reckon that the sufferings of this time are not worthy to be compared with the glory<br />

to come” (Rom 8:18). “Blessed are the poor in spirit. . . . Blessed are the meek. . . . Blessed are<br />

they that mourn. . . . Blessed are they that hunger and thirst after justice. . . . Blessed are they that<br />

suffer persecution for justice’s sake. . . . Blessed are ye when they shall revile you and persecute<br />

you, and speak all that is evil against you, untruly, for my sake. Be glad and rejoice, for your<br />

reward is very great in heaven” (Mt 5:3–12).<br />

God has promised us, “I will bring back your captivity.” We have been united to Christ and<br />

the Church through baptism. How precious, then, should the Church and sacraments of baptism<br />

and the Eucharist be to us! “He that eateth Me, the same also shall live by Me” ( Jn 6:58).<br />

How wretchedly poor are those who do not possess Christ, the Church, and the sacraments!<br />

How wretched are those who, though baptized, do not live as members of the Church! These<br />

are those who “walk as enemies of the cross of Christ, . . . whose God is their belly; . . . who mind<br />

earthly things” (Epistle).<br />

Prayer<br />

We beseech Thee, almighty God, that Thou wilt not permit to be overcome by human dangers<br />

those whom Thou grantest to rejoice in the participation in the divine mysteries. Through<br />

Christ our Lord. Amen. (Postcommunion.)<br />


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