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The Light of the World<br />

time of our baptism, so now in the celebration of the Mass we renounce all that is not godly and<br />

persevere in walking in the ways of God. With holy Job, at the Offertory we abandon ourselves<br />

into the hands of God, even though He may deliver us into the hands of our enemies, send us<br />

tribulations, deprive us of our possessions, and inflict bodily sufferings upon us. His will be<br />

done. We are a complete holocaust in the hands of God and we wish to remain so. The more<br />

completely we abandon ourselves into His hands, the more certain we can be that He will take<br />

us to Himself and save us (Communion).<br />

Prayer<br />

Watch over Thy household, we beseech Thee, O Lord, with continual mercy, that through Thy<br />

protection it may be freed from all adversities and be devoted to good works. Through Christ<br />

our Lord. Amen.<br />

Monday<br />

Today the Church presents to us the figure of Job, a just man who has been delivered over<br />

to the power of Satan, surrounded by unfaithful friends, afflicted with a dread disease, deprived<br />

of his possessions, and ridiculed by his friends and neighbors. Armed with faith and<br />

confidence in God, and inspired by holy patience, he lifts up his eyes to God and remains<br />

steadfast in all his trials and afflictions. Job is a type of the innocent Savior: suffering, yet<br />

victorious in all His afflictions. He is a type of the persecuted but victorious Church. Although<br />

with the permission of God she and her children are subjected to trials and persecutions,<br />

they are still victorious.<br />

Our fight “is not against flesh and blood,” against the men of this world, “but against principalities<br />

and powers, against the rulers of the world of this darkness,” that is, against evil<br />

men and malicious spirits. It is the will of God that the Church fight continually. We who<br />

are members of the militant Church are soldiers committed to battle. “The kingdom of<br />

heaven suffereth violence, and the violent bear it away” (Mt 11:12). Our enemies and the<br />

enemies of the Church are not the men about us, but the evil and malicious spirits who<br />

by far surpass men in their intelligence and power. “My name is legion, for we are many”<br />

(Mk 5:9). These spirits are utterly malicious, deceitful, and unfaithful. Their objective is<br />

the destruction and eternal damnation of the precious souls that Christ has purchased by<br />

His blood. These spirits are the complete masters of “the world of this darkness” and the<br />

leaders of the infidels, the evil and godless men of this world, who make war on Christ.<br />

They accomplish their work through men like Nero and Domitian and Arius; they work<br />

through all those who mock, malign, and oppress Christ and His Church. As long as the<br />

Church remains on earth, it will be a fighting Church, a Church militant. Through the<br />

Church, Christ fights against the Antichrist. We are the soldiers of the Church militant,<br />

and St. Peter admonishes us: “Be sober and watch, because your adversary, the devil, as a<br />

roaring lion goeth about seeking whom he may devour” (1 Pt 5:8). The Church reminds<br />

us of this danger every evening at Compline and urges us: “Whom resist ye, strong in<br />

faith” (1 Pt 5:9). We are to resist the devil with the faith of Esther, the faith of the Church.<br />

“All things are in Thy will, O Lord, and there is none that can resist Thy will; for Thou<br />


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