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The Time After Pentecost<br />

commands and forbids, what He advises and expects of us beyond His express commandments.<br />

Another sign of the will of God is manifested in His providence and His creation. Every creature<br />

proclaims the power and wisdom and love of God, and urges us to show the greatest respect for<br />

Him and to love and serve Him. God’s providence is made manifest in everything that happens,<br />

from the greatest to the least. Every event of our lives, no matter how insignificant it may seem<br />

to us, is directed by the wisdom of God and ordained for our best interests. Our spiritual duties,<br />

nature, the social obligations arising from our membership in society, the duties of our state of<br />

life, are but so many manifestations of the will of God in our regard.<br />

A third indication of the will of God may be found in the inspirations which He gives to<br />

us, which are not as easily recognized as the openly manifested will of God. If we achieve and<br />

maintain a close union with God, these inspirations will become increasingly clear and certain.<br />

A fourth sign of the will of God will be found in the enlightenment of our understanding. It is<br />

the will of God that we turn to Him in the spirit of faith and allow our intellect to be enlightened<br />

by His divine intellect. In many circumstances this is the only source from which we<br />

may seek enlightenment. As we grow in grace and increase in charity, our intellect becomes<br />

so enlightened by the Holy Spirit that we come to know instinctively what is the will of God.<br />

This is the gift of counsel.<br />

“Understanding what is the will of God.” There can be no more blessed knowledge than knowing<br />

what is the will of God. In the light of such knowledge we say: It is His will; He has ordained it<br />

so; He has allowed this to come to pass. Thus all our duties become light and sweet. Whatever<br />

befalls us we offer to Him as a prayer, saying: I accept this out of love for thee; or in the words<br />

of the Introit: “Blessed are the undefiled in the way, who walk in the law of the Lord.”<br />

“Understanding what is the will of God,” we confess: “All that Thou hast done to us, O<br />

Lord, Thou hast done in true judgment; because we have sinned against Thee, and we have not<br />

obeyed Thy commandments” (Introit). In all the sufferings that God imposes on us we must<br />

recognize the hand of the just, merciful, and loving Father. We should humble ourselves beneath<br />

the hand of God, and with unshakable confidence in His justice and mercy cry out, “Give glory<br />

to Thy name, and deal with us according to the multitude of Thy mercy.” Thus we should consider<br />

and accept the sufferings of this life in the spirit of our Holy Mother the Church.<br />

Prayer<br />

Graciously grant to Thy faithful, we beseech Thee, O Lord, forgiveness and peace, that they<br />

may be cleansed from all offenses and serve Thee with a quiet mind. Through Christ our Lord.<br />

Amen.<br />

Saturday<br />

The liturgy is concerned today with the approaching end of all things, and particularly with the<br />

proximity of our own death. Holy Mother the Church is filled with sorrow to see so many of<br />

her baptized children living worldly lives, totally absorbed by worldly cares and interests, and<br />

devoting themselves so completely to temporal goods and pursuits. They are totally lacking in<br />

“understanding what is the will of God; and be not drunk with wine, wherein is luxury; but be<br />

ye filled with the Holy Spirit” (Epistle).<br />


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