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The Light of the World<br />

“The eyes of all hope in Thee, O Lord; and Thou givest them meat in due season. Thou<br />

openest Thy hand and fillest every living creature with Thy blessing” (Gradual). The Lord filled<br />

with His blessings the ailing son of the royal officer. So, too, at the celebration of the Mass, He<br />

bestows His blessings on the ailing children of the Church. So, too, will He bless His Church at<br />

His return, when He will come to summon her to the eternal nuptials of heaven.<br />

Prayer<br />

Graciously grant to Thy faithful, we beseech Thee, O Lord, forgiveness and peace, that they<br />

may be cleansed from all offenses and serve Thee with a quiet mind. Through Christ our<br />

Lord. Amen.<br />

Monday<br />

The son of a ruler at Capharnaum has become desperately sick. The father, hearing that Jesus<br />

is passing from Judea into Galilee, travels two days to beseech Him to come down at once to<br />

Capharnaum and heal his son. “Lord, come down before my son die.” The Lord fulfills the desire<br />

of the ruler, but not in the manner he had expected. He does not go to Capharnaum Himself,<br />

but heals the sick boy from a distance. He tells the ruler: “Go thy way, thy son liveth.” The ruler<br />

believes; when he reaches his home, he finds that his son has recovered. The fever had left him<br />

at the moment when Jesus said to him, “Thy son liveth” (Gospel).<br />

“Unless you see signs and wonders, you believe not” (Gospel). The father of the dying boy<br />

has heard of Jesus and believes that He has the power to save his son from death, otherwise he<br />

would not have traveled so far to meet the Lord. But his was not the kind of faith Jesus required.<br />

The ruler thinks the Lord must visit his house at Capharnaum to effect the cure. He believes<br />

the power of the Lord to be local and to depend on His personal presence. He expects Him to<br />

lay His hands upon His son and to make him well by a miracle visible to all. For this reason the<br />

Lord admonished him saying, “Unless you see signs and wonders, you believe not.” The officer<br />

is so absorbed by his desire to save his child that he takes no further notice of the admonition.<br />

With the urgency of a man in desperate straits, he repeats his prayer, “Come down before my<br />

son die.” Jesus does not go to Capharnaum, for it is more important to inspire in this man faith<br />

of a higher kind. He heals the sick boy from afar without laying His hands upon him, without<br />

a sign or motion. The officer allows himself to be led to the heights of perfect faith by the Lord.<br />

“Go thy way, thy son liveth.” He believes the words Jesus has spoken to him. “Blessed are they<br />

that have not seen and have believed” ( Jn 20:29). Thus the Lord teaches His people to have faith<br />

in His love, in His divine providence, in His almighty, hidden power. His ways are not our ways.<br />

“Lord, come down before my son die.” In the anxious officer with his weak and imperfect<br />

faith, the liturgy sees us Christians of today. We know by experience how many of our brethren<br />

in Christ live entirely for this world and what it has to offer, losing themselves more and more<br />

in things that are transitory. The Christian faith suffers much from these unfaithful brethren.<br />

The maxims of the world are continually gaining ground. This worldly attitude, with all its false<br />

ideals and goods, and its denial of Christ and His Church, is growing by leaps and bounds. We<br />

know the dangers to which our own souls and those of our beloved ones are exposed. We fear<br />

for their salvation. With the officer of the Gospel we approach the Lord and say, “Lord, come<br />


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