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The Time After Pentecost<br />

God penetrates the soul with the fullness of His light and His goodness. He gives Himself to<br />

the soul so completely that He communicates His life to it so that it shares His knowledge,<br />

His will, and His love, which become the object of the soul’s blessedness. He belongs to the<br />

soul completely and it dwells in Him and loses itself in Him; it loves the beloved more than<br />

itself. It is elevated above its own nature and is so closely united to the beloved that it shares<br />

the nature of the beloved and receives a new life. “He who is joined to the Lord is one spirit”<br />

(1 Cor 6:17). This love is the essence of Christian perfection, the highest reach to which a<br />

soul can attain, the perfect fulfillment of all the commandments, the end and object of all our<br />

striving. This fact is true because through such a love we achieve perfect union with God and<br />

complete victory over sin, particularly over our besetting sin of self-love. Moreover, through<br />

such a love we conquer our inordinate desires and our attachment to all that is worldly and<br />

transitory. If we give God our love, then we have given Him all. If we give ourselves entirely<br />

up to Him, then He gives Himself entirely to us in the fullness of His love in time and eternity.<br />

“With thy whole heart, and with thy whole soul, and with thy whole mind.” God wills to<br />

have our whole love, otherwise He is not satisfied. He is jealous of the devotion of our spirit.<br />

“I am the Lord thy God, mighty, jealous” (Ex 20:5). We must subject our spirit to Him in<br />

humility, seeing as He sees, judging as He judges; we must subject our intellect to faith and<br />

accept all that the day may bring, as the dispensation of a kindly providence. God is jealous of<br />

the love of our heart, for He must be the center of all our wishes and movements; He wishes<br />

us to love Him above all else, and to subordinate the love we have for other creatures to our<br />

love for Him. God is jealous of our powers and our works. He desires that we put them at His<br />

service at all times, that we use them for fulfilling His holy will, and that we avoid all willful<br />

infidelity. God is jealous of our intentions and motives, and desires that we make Him the<br />

center of all our actions. We must never allow self to be our chief motive, but always God and<br />

God alone. God is jealous of our thoughts and desires, and in so far as it is humanly possible in<br />

our daily life, we must direct them all to Him, that even while we work they may center upon<br />

Him and give Him assurance of our love. He wishes to have our whole and undivided love.<br />

“Thou art just, O Lord,” when Thou dost demand of us all our love; all the rest that we can<br />

give to Thee is so little. “Vow ye, and pray to the Lord your God, all you that round about Him<br />

bring presents” (Communion). But all our vows and presents have value only in the degree in<br />

which they express our love.<br />

“Thou shalt love the Lord thy God.” Do we love Him with a perfect love that really seeks<br />

Him for His own sake? Does our love abhor every willful venial sin, every willful infidelity,<br />

every slight omission? Does our love seek for nothing but that which will give joy to God?<br />

Does it seek His holy will and good pleasure in all things? Is it prepared to accept all that He<br />

sends simply because He sends it? Does our love produce works and actions that express our<br />

devotion to God? Does our love also manifest charity towards our friends and enemies? “Follow<br />

after charity” (1 Cor 14:1).<br />

Prayer<br />

O God, Thou dost make all things a blessing for those who love Thee. Grant that our hearts<br />

may be bound to Thee by an immovable love, that no temptation may harm the life that Thou<br />

hast awakened in us. Through Christ our Lord. Amen.<br />


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