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The Light of the World<br />

Seventeenth Sunday after Pentecost<br />

The Mass<br />

The ecclesiastical year is drawing to an end. Now the Church looks for its perfection in eternity,<br />

for its home, its last end, and its rest. She knows that there Christ the Lord reigns in glory. The<br />

Church left behind on earth makes a long and weary journey to Him.<br />

In former times the bishop with his clergy proceeded from the sacristy to the altar through the<br />

aisles of the church in solemn procession; the chanters also walked in this procession. Above<br />

the altar the picture of the glorified Christ shone in splendid mosaics in the apse. While the<br />

procession proceeded to the altar, the chanters began the Introit, their pilgrimage-song. Hearts<br />

and eyes are directed to Christ, who looks down from the height of the apse. “Thou art just,<br />

O Lord, and Thy judgment is right; deal with Thy servant according to Thy mercy. Blessed are<br />

the undefiled in the way, who walk in the law of the Lord” (Introit). Blessed are we who dare<br />

approach the Lord on this day at the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. But the celebration of the Holy<br />

Sacrifice of the Mass requires that we be “undefiled,” that we walk “in the law of the Lord”; that<br />

we abstain from “the defilements of the devil and with pure hearts follow Thee, the only God”<br />

(Collect). Our life must be worthy of the Mass; it must be a preparation for the celebration of<br />

the Holy Sacrifice. What is especially demanded of us, says the Epistle, is a charity which forgets<br />

itself and wishes to work for the community, in the union of the spirit, in thought and deed:<br />

“One body and one spirit. . . . One Lord, one faith, one baptism, one God and Father of all.”<br />

We must become one with the community, avoiding all disputes and quarrels, one in heart<br />

and soul walking with the Lord. If we have become one in charity, then the praise of the beatitude<br />

given in the Gradual refers to us: “Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord [Christ],<br />

the people whom He hath chosen for His inheritance.” This precious inheritance, already ours<br />

on this earth, is perfected in eternity, where the Lord Christ is enthroned in His glory, which<br />

He will communicate to His elect. How the soul and the Church long for the day which will<br />

give her that glory: the day of the resurrection of Christ! “Alleluia. O Lord, hear my prayer and<br />

let my cry come to Thee. Alleluia.” This is the cry of the ancient Church: Maran-atha. Come,<br />

O Lord, to the Last Judgment, to fetch us to the kingdom of glory! He comes in the Gospel as<br />

the teacher of the great commandment of charity. He comes as the risen Lord, of whom David<br />

sang: “The Lord said to my Lord: Sit Thou at My right hand” (Ps 109:1).<br />

We go to the glorified Lord at the sacrifice and implore Him: “Show Thy face upon Thy sanctuary”<br />

(Offertory), upon the sacrificing community, which puts upon the altar its gifts of bread<br />

and wine, its prayers and works, its power, its time, its willingness to renounce sin, the flesh,<br />

and the world, and to live during the coming week with Christ, and to be to Him a pleasing<br />

sacrifice. Christ becomes our sacrifice. In Him and with Him we are sacrificed, that is, consecrated<br />

to God. Thus we fulfill the commandment of the Gospel: “Thou shalt love the Lord thy<br />

God with thy whole heart”; we love Him through Christ, with Christ, and in Christ, and give<br />

Him “all honor and glory.” Taken up in the sacrifice of Christ, we recite our Pater noster with a<br />

heart enkindled with charity. Soon Christ will come to us in Holy Communion. He becomes<br />

the life-giving food of our soul, sets up the throne of His glory in it, commands His enemies to<br />

flee, and infuses some of the fullness of His life and power into our souls.<br />


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