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The Light of the World<br />

is true of all works that are not performed for the love of Christ. They may be good works in<br />

themselves, but they are without value for eternity; their end is corruption.<br />

“But he that soweth in the spirit, of the spirit shall reap life everlasting.” That is, he shall<br />

reap a reward that is of eternal value: the reward of the spirit, the reward of faith, the reward<br />

of grace, the reward promised by Christ. And every action performed in this spirit, no matter<br />

how insignificant it is in itself, is meritorious for eternity. How foolish of us not to exercise more<br />

zeal to sow in the spirit!<br />

Jesus approaches the city of Naim. There He finds a dead man accompanied by his weeping<br />

mother. So, too, when He comes to a Christian family or to a parish, He finds some who are<br />

dead. They are sowing in the flesh and they will reap corruption of the flesh. But their distracted<br />

mother, the Church, stands weeping over them; she carries the burdens of her children who are<br />

spiritually dead. She has compassion on them and ceases not to pray for them, to offer sacrifice<br />

for them, and to make satisfaction for them. We must unite ourselves to this mother who prays:<br />

“Bow down Thy ear, O Lord, to me and hear me; save Thy servant, O my God, that trusteth in<br />

Thee, . . . for I have cried to Thee all the day” (Introit).<br />

The more we sow in the spirit with our Holy Mother the Church, the more certain we can<br />

be of helping those who sow in the flesh. Through our prayers united with hers, we may obtain<br />

for them the grace to sow in the spirit so that they may reap life eternal.<br />

Prayer<br />

Let Thy continual pity cleanse and defend Thy Church, we beseech Thee, O Lord; and because<br />

it cannot continue in safety without Thee, govern it evermore by Thy help. Through Christ our<br />

Lord. Amen.<br />

Thursday<br />

“Brethren if we live in the spirit, let us also walk in the spirit. . . . Bear ye one another’s burdens,<br />

and so you shall fulfill the law of Christ” (Epistle). To walk in the spirit, therefore, means to<br />

bear one another’s burdens. Christ bore the burden of our sins, and we must likewise bear the<br />

burdens of others.<br />

“Bear ye one another’s burdens.” Our Lord gives us an example in the Sunday Gospel. The only<br />

son of a widow of the city of Naim is being carried out to his burial. Many of the people of the<br />

city accompany her and share her sorrow, thus sharing her burden. Our Lord meets the procession<br />

as it leaves the city. As it approaches Him near the gates of the city, He has compassion<br />

on the mother. He wishes to share her burden and in charity lighten her grief. “Weep not,” He<br />

tells her. The widow feels that the Lord understands her grief and that He wishes to take part<br />

in her suffering. He approaches the bier and touches it, and they that carry it stand still. Then<br />

the Lord addresses the young man, “Young man, I say to thee, arise”; and the young man sits<br />

up. Then Jesus delivers him to his mother. Thus the Lord bore his neighbor’s burden, shared<br />

her misery and pain, and left an example for us.<br />

“Bear ye one another’s burdens.” Everyone has a burden to bear during his life on earth;<br />

one in this manner, another in that. Each one of us receives his cross from the Lord; everyone<br />


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