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The Christmas Cycle<br />

Ember Friday<br />

“Thou art near, O Lord, and all Thy ways are truth” (Introit). God is near today in the Virgin<br />

Mary. She has conceived the Son of God in order to bring Him to us. We are witnesses of the<br />

blessings which she brings today to the house of Elizabeth; she brings Christ with her. Through<br />

her Elizabeth is filled with the Holy Ghost, and John the Baptist is sanctified in his mother’s<br />

womb. Mary is the Mother of God and the channel of all grace.<br />

Mary, having conceived the Son of God, hastens to the hill country, to the city of Juda, and greets<br />

her cousin, Elizabeth. At Mary’s greeting, Elizabeth feels the infant whom she has conceived<br />

( John the Baptist) leap for joy in her womb. Elizabeth is herself filled with the Holy Ghost and<br />

learns the secret that has been confided to Mary: “Blessed art thou among women, and blessed<br />

is the fruit of thy womb. And whence is this to me, that the mother of my Lord should come to<br />

me? . . . And blessed art thou that thou hast believed” (Gospel). Mary is the living monstrance<br />

that presents Christ and His grace to men. Through Mary, John the Baptist is sanctified in his<br />

mother’s womb, cleansed from the stains of Original Sin, and clothed with the garment of<br />

sanctifying grace. Mary would gladly have withdrawn from the world to live in the solitude and<br />

obscurity of Nazareth after having conceived the Son of God, but God calls her to the service of<br />

charity, and she recognizes no call but the will of God. She does not shrink from any exertion;<br />

she is not dismayed by any obstacle or difficulty. He who is filled with Christ is filled with zeal<br />

and love and determination. How do we stand in this regard?<br />

The stational church for today’s Mass is the church of the Twelve Apostles in Rome. Mary<br />

is the apostle of the liturgy, the Mediatrix of all grace. She is the root from which springs the full<br />

bloom, Christ. “And of His fullness we all have received, and grace for grace” ( Jn 1:16). But all<br />

of this grace we receive through the instrumentality of Mary. Today we, like John the Baptist,<br />

are sanctified by Mary’s visit. With hearts full of thankfulness we say with the Gradual: “Lord,<br />

Thou hast blessed Thy land [Mary and through her the Church and its members]; Thou hast<br />

turned away the captivity of Jacob” (the captivity of sin, the devil, and eternal damnation).<br />

Everything through Mary.<br />

“Behold the Lord shall come, and all His saints with Him: and there shall be in that day a great<br />

light” (Communion). The coming of Christ in Holy Communion is the prelude to the coming<br />

of Christ at the end of time, when He will appear accompanied by His saints and angels to lead<br />

us and the Church to an eternal communion with Him in heaven. Holy Communion is for us<br />

a pledge of the possession of God in the eternal light of heaven.<br />

Through Mary Christ accomplishes the salvation of many souls. He took her as His mother<br />

in order that in His earthly life He might have a new Eve to assist Him, the new Adam. As she<br />

cooperated in the winning of all the graces which Christ has merited for us, so now that she is<br />

in heaven she enjoys the privilege of dispensing all the graces which Christ wishes to give us.<br />

Every grace which we receive, Mary helped to win for us. For this reason she is also charged<br />

with the dispensation of these graces. We receive all grace from God through Christ and His<br />

Blessed Mother. Thus Christ wishes to honor His mother, and we should gratefully seek from<br />

her all the graces that we need. She is the humble, obedient handmaid of Christ, the pure Virgin.<br />

In the liturgy the blessed Mother of God, the Mediatrix of grace, is a symbol of the Church.<br />

The Church bears Christ in her virginal bosom (the Blessed Sacrament in the tabernacle). She<br />


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