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The Time After Pentecost<br />

“Suffer the little children and forbid them not to come to Me” (Mt 19:14). As God became<br />

the Son of Man, so men become the sons of God. “You have received the spirit of adoption of<br />

sons.” In becoming children before God, we find the road that leads to Him and to the possession<br />

of Christ’s life and heritage. All true Christianity consists in our being called and being the<br />

sons of God (1 Jn 3:1). A child knows instinctively that it will be well taken care of by its father<br />

and mother. Having experienced no worries, no grief, and no fear of life, a child sees only sunny<br />

skies and is full of hope and expectation of wonderful things to come. A child is satisfied with<br />

what it sees and can lay its hands on; it has a faith that explains and brightens everything. It has<br />

a heaven and a father and a mother; it wants to believe and to pray, to reach beyond itself to<br />

God the Father and to Mary, its mother. A child has faults and weaknesses too, but these, too,<br />

do not cause it great worry. If the father punishes his child, it will be love only that wields the<br />

rod, for he means only well with his child.<br />

“You have received the spirit of adoption of sons.” We are aware of our being children<br />

of God. We therefore stand at the mysterious gates of life without fear and without undue<br />

solicitude. Knowing that we are being taken care of by His love and providence, we leave our<br />

ways and our destiny entirely to the direction of this loving Father. We are resigned to His dispensations,<br />

for we know that they are the work of a loving, well-meaning Father; He does not<br />

permit anything to befall us without having first measured it so that we may be able to bear it.<br />

We are satisfied to be guided along the road He has destined for us, throwing ourselves into the<br />

arms of God, like a child whose only desire is to be carried by its mother that it may rest at her<br />

bosom and be caressed by her. Every desire of the Father, every sign coming from Him, is holy,<br />

is a command to us. Whatever we do, we do to show our love for the Father and our desire to<br />

please Him. We have our faults and behave badly sometimes, but realizing what we have done,<br />

we regret having offended Him. We ask His pardon, and He in His mercy gives us new graces<br />

and new proofs of His love.<br />

“You have received the spirit of adoption of sons.” There is much piety which does not recognize<br />

God with a childlike disposition, which knows only the service of fear, of servitude, of oppressing<br />

and paralyzing anxiety. Who can serve God out of feelings of love if he does not know Him to<br />

be lovable? For this reason even many Christians are cold and tepid toward God, because they<br />

see in Him nothing but the fearful Lord, the Lawgiver and Judge. From this attitude spring<br />

many feelings that are foreign to the usual disposition of children; they are the source of all<br />

listlessness in religious life. The lack of childlike confidence and simplicity is the reason for so<br />

many temptations against faith and the many anxieties that impede a tender devotion toward<br />

God and the spirit of joyful sacrifice.<br />

God wishes us to be as children before Him. He has implanted the gift of piety in<br />

our souls in baptism in order that we may offer Him a childlike disposition of mind. If<br />

we are truly children, we simply believe what He commands, submitting ourselves to His<br />

holy will and commandments. Then we are guided by His divine leadership in all things<br />

with that spirit of faith which lifts us beyond the merely human point of view in our<br />

thinking and judging. Forgetting ourselves, we rest on the heart of the Father, without<br />

worry or unrest, guided by a spirit of love and confidence. Renouncing our own will,<br />

we let Him, the Father, work within us whatever He wills. Placing no obstacles in His<br />

way, we become His children, dying to ourselves in order to be free for His spirit, His<br />


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