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The Light of the World<br />

stands in need of continual inspiration, help, and understanding. The liturgy will provide these,<br />

especially through our assistance at Mass.<br />

The Introit of today’s Mass recalls the hour of our baptism, the mystery of Easter: “We have<br />

received Thy mercy, O God. . . . Thy right hand is full of justice. Great is the Lord and exceedingly<br />

to be praised, in the city of God, in His holy mountain”; that is, in the Church, through which<br />

the holy fountains of sacramental graces reach us and open to us the waters of salvation. Our<br />

gratitude and jubilation find their expression in our prayer to God to preserve within us the<br />

graces of baptism and to enable us to live according to His will.<br />

In striking phrases the Epistle explains what baptism demands of a Christian: “Brethren, we<br />

are debtors, not to the flesh to live according to the flesh”; but we are called, as children of God<br />

and coheirs of Christ, “to mortify the deeds of the flesh” and to be “led by the Spirit of God,” to<br />

live according to the dictates of our supernatural life. A fierce battle is required of us if our spirit<br />

is to conquer the flesh by making it subject to the divine powers within us. Today’s Gradual,<br />

however, tells us that we are not left alone in this battle of the spirit against the flesh: “In Thee,<br />

O God, have I hoped; O Lord, let me never be confounded.” How much effort is expended by<br />

men who think only of this world to take care of worldly interests and to attain to a material<br />

goal! The unjust steward exemplifies man’s concern for worldly prosperity; for though he is<br />

unjust, a man who lives according to the flesh and the wisdom of the flesh, though in his ways<br />

and means he is a man full of zeal and earthly wisdom, he provides a model for Christians, the<br />

children of light: a model of zeal and prudent energy in the pursuit of their higher, supernatural<br />

goals. But unfortunately wisdom and experience teach us that “the children of this world are<br />

wiser in their generation than the children of light” (Gospel).<br />

Instructed anew in our duties as Christians, we are ready for the Holy Sacrifice. Uniting ourselves<br />

with Christ, offering with Him one sacrifice, we fulfill what the Epistle asks of us. Sacrificing<br />

ourselves, as we once did when we received baptism, we refuse “to live according to the flesh.”<br />

Instead we are determined to live according to the spirit and to build anew on the foundation<br />

laid in baptism. Thus we again commit ourselves to the duties and obligations placed on us in<br />

baptism. We likewise renew our faith in our adoption as the children of God and our unshakable<br />

trust in our eternal heritage in heaven. In the sacrificial meal the glorified Son of God imparts<br />

His life to our souls, assuring us that together with Him, the first-born, we are children of the<br />

Father, called to a blessed heritage in heaven, of which an unfailing pledge has been given to<br />

us in Holy Communion. “Taste and see that the Lord is sweet; blessed is the man that hopeth<br />

in Him” (Communion).<br />

Meditation<br />

The eighth Sunday after Pentecost is a day of grateful jubilation for the graces of Easter and<br />

Pentecost. “We have received Thy mercy, O God, in the midst of Thy temple [through the<br />

reception of baptism]. According to Thy name, O God, so also is Thy praise unto the ends<br />

of the earth; Thy right hand is full of justice” (Introit). Easter and Pentecost have greatly<br />

enriched us; God is our Father, Christ is our brother, and the Holy Ghost dwells within us.<br />

We are children of God and therefore heirs of God and coheirs with Christ. Can anything<br />

be wanting? In order to make us realize fully our greatness in Christ, this Sunday’s liturgy<br />


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