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The Time After Pentecost<br />

Prayer<br />

O God, whose providence in the ordering of all things never fails, we humbly beseech Thee<br />

to put away from us all harmful things and to give us those things which are profitable for us.<br />

Through Christ our Lord. Amen.<br />

Friday<br />

“Clap your hands, all ye nations; shout unto God with the voice of joy. For the Lord is most high,<br />

He is terrible; He is a great King over all the earth” (Introit). Now being made free from sin,<br />

we have become “servants to God” (Epistle), ready to accept and do His will. To do whatever<br />

God wills, and to do it lovingly, is the perfect road leading to sanctity and life eternal. “Being<br />

made free from sin and become servants to God, you have your fruit unto sanctification, and<br />

the end life everlasting” (Epistle).<br />

God guides us in two ways. He either takes our hand and bids us follow Him, or He carries us in<br />

His arms as a mother carries her child. In the first instance He manifests His will in the commands,<br />

duties, and demands of nature and social life (the revealed will of God). While fulfilling His will,<br />

we cling to His hand by following His intentions, commandments, and desires, thus “taking<br />

our little steps” (St. Francis de Sales). The second, a more passive way of fulfilling God’s will,<br />

is “the will of God’s good pleasure.” This loving, powerful, and gentle operation of God within<br />

us accompanies us wherever we are, under all conditions and circumstances. God is always at<br />

work purifying and sanctifying our soul, and filling it with His life. “Are not five sparrows sold<br />

for two farthings, and not one of them is forgotten before God? . . . Fear not, therefore; you are<br />

of more value than many sparrows. . . . A hair of your head shall not perish” (Lk 12:6 f.; 21:18).<br />

Thus God takes care of us. Everything, whether small or great must serve His purpose. He<br />

guides, rules, and directs all things in such a way that they become a help to each and every<br />

one of us, leading us on towards Him and His grace. “We know that to them that love God, all<br />

things work together unto good” (Rom 8:28). With His infinite wisdom and love, God works<br />

within us for our salvation, making use of the best possible means at the most opportune time<br />

and in the most perfect manner. His loving providence guiding and directing our ways of life is<br />

certain “to put away from us all harmful things and to give us those things which are profitable<br />

for us” (Collect). Such is our faith and our hope.<br />

“Commit thy way to the Lord and trust in Him, and He will do it” (Ps 36:5). We trust in<br />

God’s plans concerning us; we have confidence “that to them that love God, all things work<br />

together unto good.” We believe that all His plans for us have a divinely good intention, that<br />

His love always and in all things rules His plans, and that His hand guides even when it strikes.<br />

Behind the suffering, injustice, and bitterness about us, we do not merely see men and human<br />

intentions; looking deeper we see God and His work. We believe. We submit to His holy will<br />

and the cross He imposes on us, to whatever He permits, mysterious and dark though it may<br />

sometimes appear. Submitting faithfully to all plans, trials, and afflictions, we are fully prepared<br />

to let Him do with us whatever He pleases. “Commit thy way to the Lord,” let Him freely enter<br />

and work in your soul. Learn to take life in full harmony with God’s providence. Give up your<br />

own anxiety and solicitude. “Trust in Him, and He will do it.” Once we have given ourselves unreservedly<br />

to God’s will and have become entirely His servants, our fruit will be life everlasting.<br />


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