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The Light of the World<br />

riches of Christ the liturgy finds buried in the Sacred Heart of Jesus, which contains all the<br />

treasures of wisdom and knowledge, and in which dwells the fullness of divinity. In the Sacred<br />

Heart of Jesus, God bestows upon us, through His infinite mercy, the inexhaustible treasures<br />

of His love (Collect).<br />

The unsearchable riches of Christ are hidden in His Sacred Heart, which is the symbol and<br />

summation of His inexhaustible sanctity and loving mercy. It contains the inexhaustible fullness<br />

of His life: His thoughts, His intentions, His desires, His feelings. It contains the entire prayer<br />

life of Jesus, and His holy, divinely perfect, and unbroken adoration of the Divinity; it contains<br />

His praise, His thanksgiving, His subjection to the Father in heaven and in our tabernacles on<br />

earth. It contains the inexhaustible plenitude of His graces, virtues, and holiness. There, too, is<br />

concentrated the perfection of His life of obedience, His voluntary emptying of Himself, His<br />

sublime humility, His love of poverty and of suffering. In this heart He lives His life of love<br />

for the Father and for us sinners; here the fire of His zeal for our eternal salvation burns most<br />

brightly. The Sacred Heart contains all the merits which Christ earned from the moment of<br />

His first entrance into the world to His last breath of life on the cross. In the Sacred Heart is<br />

concentrated all the wealth of atonement and satisfaction which the Son offered to the eternal<br />

Father during His life on earth. The Sacred Heart wields irresistible power over Satan and the<br />

elements, and over the spirits and hearts of men; He Himself has declared: “All power is given<br />

to Me in heaven and in earth” (Mt 28:18). In Christ, in His Sacred Heart, “we have redemption<br />

through His blood, the remission of sins, according to the riches of His grace” (Eph 1:7). All<br />

these riches belong to us. The Sacred Heart of Jesus belongs to us, for God has given it to us, as<br />

we are assured in the Collect of the feast: “O God, who in the heart of Thy son, dost mercifully<br />

vouchsafe to bestow upon us the infinite wealth of Thy love.” With the Sacred Heart of Jesus<br />

the wealth of His prayers, His merits, and His satisfactions also belongs to us.<br />

It is our privilege to take in our hands this Sacred Heart and offer it to the Father in the<br />

Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. Thus we can adore the Holy Trinity in a worthy manner and make a<br />

worthy offering of praise; thus we can offer a perfect act of thanksgiving and make full reparation<br />

and atonement for our sins. We can make these offerings of praise, thanksgiving, and reparation<br />

even apart from the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, for there is not a single moment of our lives<br />

in which we cannot make use of the Sacred Heart of Jesus and offer it up to the Father. Every<br />

moment of the day and night Jesus loves us, prays for us, thanks the Father for us, and offers<br />

up satisfaction for us. Thus we can always pray in union with the prayers of the Sacred Heart<br />

of Jesus and unite our prayers to His. So, too, when we have been guilty of faults, we can offer<br />

up to the Father the merits of Jesus in satisfaction for our sins. Whenever we stand in need of<br />

grace, we can offer to the Father the Sacred Heart of Jesus with its power of intercession. If we<br />

should have to undergo some suffering, we can unite it to the suffering of Jesus, who at that very<br />

moment is offering up His sufferings and death to the Father on some altar somewhere in the<br />

world. Through Christ we can work, pray, and suffer; through Him we can love God with the<br />

love of the Sacred Heart. The Sacred Heart belongs entirely to us. Through the Sacred Heart<br />

we can pray for those who do not worship Him themselves. Through the Sacred Heart of Jesus<br />

we can love the Father in the name of those who do not love Him, but rather hate Him and<br />

revile Him. Through the Sacred Heart of Jesus we can offer satisfaction for the sinners of the<br />

whole world. How rich and powerful we have become through our possession of the Sacred<br />


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