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The Time After Pentecost<br />

This is a day for renewing our consecration to God. We should renounce the world with<br />

our whole heart, and break away effectually from all that can be displeasing to Him. As on<br />

the day of our baptism, we should repeat, “I believe in the Father, and in the Son, and in the<br />

Holy Ghost.” This belief implies more than the admission that the Father and the Son and the<br />

Holy Ghost exist and constitute one God in three Persons. It implies that I live for the Father<br />

and the Son and the Holy Ghost, by whom I have been sanctified, and to whom I have been<br />

consecrated by my baptism. This consecration we renew again today, and we should ratify it<br />

daily and make it more effective through the devout participation in the Mass. When we say<br />

the preliminary prayers at the foot of the altar, we rid ourselves of all attachment to the world,<br />

reject all infidelity, and renounce all that is alien to our state as creatures consecrated to God.<br />

At the Offertory we lay our hearts at the side of the bread and wine that we may make a new<br />

consecration and dedication of ourselves to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Ghost.<br />

During the Consecration of the Mass, the sacrificial fire of our Lord and Savior will descend<br />

from heaven upon our offering, enkindling it with the fire of His love, and He will bear it up<br />

to heaven. We, too, are consecrated and offered up to the Father. We live, now no longer for<br />

ourselves, but for God alone.<br />

This dedication of ourselves to God is strengthened and sealed by the Lord at the time<br />

of Holy Communion. This earthly consecration extends through Holy Communion to the<br />

eternal communio in heaven, where we shall enjoy the companionship of God the Father, and<br />

of God the Son, and of God the Holy Ghost. Then we shall see Him just as He is, face to face.<br />

For all eternity we shall share His life, His glory, His divine knowledge, and the mansions of<br />

His eternal love. This glorious reward the Son of God earned for us while on earth, by His life,<br />

His suffering, and His death. “We bless the God of heaven, and before all living we will praise<br />

him; because He hath shown His mercy to us” (Communion).<br />

Prayer<br />

Almighty and everlasting God, who hast given Thy servants, in their confession of the true<br />

faith, to bear witness to the glory of the eternal Trinity, and to adore the unity in the might of its<br />

majesty: we beseech Thee that by our steadfastness in that same faith we may be ever defended<br />

from all adversity. Through Christ our Lord. Amen.<br />

Monday<br />

The spirit of Pentecost, the spirit of Christ, is a spirit of love for God and for one’s neighbor. The<br />

new life which has been given us through the redemption is protected by this spirit of charity.<br />

Therefore we are admonished in the Mass for the first Sunday after Pentecost to love one another.<br />

“God is charity.” “He that loveth not, knoweth not God, for God is charity. By this hath the<br />

charity of God appeared towards us, because God hath sent His only-begotten Son into the<br />

world that we may live by Him. In this is charity; not as though we had loved God, but because<br />

He hath first loved us and sent His Son to be propitiation for our sins. . . . And we have known<br />

and have believed the charity which God hath to us. God is charity; and he that abideth in<br />

charity abideth in God and God in him. In this is the charity of God perfected with us, that we<br />

may have confidence in the day of judgment; because as He is, we also are in this world” (1 Jn<br />


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