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The Light of the World<br />

positions of rank, and who wield great power and influence. It seeks always its own interests;<br />

it knows well the art of making profit at all times and under all circumstances; it is a master at<br />

carrying out its own designs and serving its own interests. It usurps a large part of the life even<br />

of pious and spiritual persons. Under the pretense of serving God, it is continually seeking itself<br />

and its own natural desires, its own comfort, its own honor. In all matters of the spirit it follows<br />

the prudence of the flesh and preaches moderation and mediocrity. It is one of the chief causes<br />

of negligence, and is a fruitful source of quarrels, disputes, coolness towards others, envy, and<br />

of an unwarranted solicitude for its own good reputation. It destroys tranquility, peace of soul.<br />

It gives men an exaggerated sense of their own importance. With good reason the masters of<br />

the spiritual life have called it “the greatest evil” on earth. What a host of men there are who are<br />

ruled by this tyrannical spirit of independence!<br />

The Holy Ghost is the Spirit of Christ, and He has communicated Himself to the soul<br />

of man with all His gifts and graces. “The spirit of the Lord is upon Me. Wherefore He<br />

hath anointed Me to preach the gospel to the poor; He hath sent Me to heal the contrite<br />

of heart” (Lk 4:18). By the “spirit of Christ” we understand especially the principle that<br />

moved and motivated His will and His judgment. All of His actions were controlled by His<br />

burning desire to accept the will of His Father and perform it at all times. He was driven<br />

by the urge to overcome all things and accomplish all that was necessary for fulfilling the<br />

will of the Father and for redeeming mankind. In Christ the head and in us the members,<br />

the “spirit of Christ” is the spirit of love for the Father, the spirit of humility, of obedience,<br />

of recollection, of prayer, of suffering, and of sacrifice. This spirit causes the Christian to<br />

live and act according to the eight beatitudes, to rejoice in God, to desire to be as nothing<br />

in the eyes of the world, to be spurned and rejected by the world. This spirit inspires us to<br />

desire a life of renunciation and detachment, and complete union with God. It makes us<br />

seek only God’s will and honor. This is the Spirit “whom the world cannot receive because<br />

it seeth Him not nor knoweth Him” ( Jn 14:17).<br />

“The Spirit of the Lord hath filled the whole world, alleluia” (Introit). This is the joyful message<br />

of Pentecost. Let us cast off, then, the spirit of independence, the spirit of the world, with its<br />

purely natural inclinations. The Holy Ghost, the Spirit of Christ, will take possession of us,<br />

guide us, inspire us, and direct us. He will give us the treasures of His light. He will give our<br />

wills a Christian nobility, an unconquerable strength, and the stability which we will need in<br />

order to live a life of virtue. He will overcome the resistance of our self-will, and subdue our<br />

rebellious nature. He will make us the willing instruments of the will of God and the salvation<br />

of souls. How foolish of us to refuse to lay aside the treacherous spirit of worldliness! “Come,<br />

Holy Ghost, fill the hearts of Thy faithful.”<br />

“And they were all filled with the Holy Ghost,” with the Spirit of Christ (Acts 2:4).<br />

This was true of the apostles; it is likewise true of the priest at his ordination; it is true of<br />

all of us at our confirmation. The spirit of Christ must live in us. We Christians, especially<br />

the priests and religious, must conform ourselves to the great concepts of Christ as laid<br />

down in the gospel.<br />

We must form our lives according to His principles and motives, and make them evident<br />

in our own personality. If only we were filled with faith in the abiding presence of the Holy<br />

Ghost, and with trust in His assistance! If we but had a clear vision of the efficacious life of the<br />


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