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The Easter Cycle<br />

Sunday within the Octave<br />

The Mass<br />

Christ ascended into heaven to enter into His glory. The Church which He left behind on earth<br />

gazes fondly after Him and longs to see again and be united with the one to whom her heart<br />

and her love belong. Without Him she is desolate and lonely, for she still lingers here on earth.<br />

This mood causes her to cry out to her absent bridegroom in the Introit of today’s Mass: “I have<br />

sought Thy face, Thy face, O Lord, I will seek; turn not away Thy face from me, alleluia, alleluia.<br />

The Lord is my light and my salvation; whom shall I fear?” (Introit.) It is we, the Church, who<br />

prays thus. Each of us says, “I have sought Thy face.” Our incessant search for the absent Lord<br />

is expressed eloquently in the repeated Kyrie; the same idea is expressed in the Collect. Our<br />

life should be the expression of our devotedness to God, and of our longing for purity of heart<br />

and for freedom from all that may displease Him. “Thy face, O Lord, I will seek” in earnest<br />

prayer, in patient and merciful love, in selfless devotion to others, in loyalty to the Church, in<br />

zeal for souls, and in the quest for the grace of God (Epistle). “As long as you did it to one of<br />

these My least brethren, you did it to Me” (Mt 25:40). Thus the longing of the Church and of<br />

Christians for heaven will draw down the grace of God and of Christ upon the world. When a<br />

soul is fired by such a noble aim, it will not seek the face of Christ in vain. “I will not leave you<br />

orphans; I will come to you” ( Jn 14:18) in the person of the Paraclete, the Holy Ghost, “whom<br />

I will send you from the Father” (Gospel). We receive this promise gratefully and profess our<br />

belief in Him in the Credo.<br />

In the Offertory we are reminded of the triumphal entry of Christ into His sanctuary in<br />

heaven. This triumphal entry symbolizes the approach of the eternal high priest to the heavenly<br />

altar, upon which Christ offers Himself for our eternal union with the Father (Offertory).<br />

Together with our gifts of bread and wine we also offer to God ourselves: our wills, our inclinations,<br />

all our faculties, and all our actions. We make an all-embracing holocaust of ourselves,<br />

we make our action a living sursum corda, imitating the ascension of Christ.<br />

The moment of consecration approaches. What Christ has promised now becomes a reality:<br />

“I will come to you.” What a blessed coming! “I have sought Thy face.” Now He descends<br />

among us, enters into a most real and intimate union with us, a union of prayer and spirit, a<br />

sacrifice offered to God. Here in the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass He unites us to Himself in His<br />

sacrificial mission. Just as He, through the almighty power of His word, changes the substance<br />

of the bread into that of His body, so, too, if we allow Him to make of us a holocaust, He will<br />

penetrate our inmost depths with His life and His spirit. Thus through an intelligent and active<br />

participation in the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, our lives become ever a more certain expression<br />

of the spirit of Christ in us. If we participate in the Holy Sacrifice in spirit and truth, if daily we<br />

die and rise with Christ, we shall become living and invincible witnesses of Christ, a personified<br />

testimony of Him (Gospel). That is the prime fruit of the sacrifice of the altar.<br />

The daily devout celebration of the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass emphasizes ever more and more,<br />

not only the opposition between the Christian and the “old man” within him, but also between<br />

the Christian and the world about him, between the Christian and the enemies of the cross.<br />

“They will put you out of the synagogues; yea, the hour cometh that whosoever killeth you will<br />


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