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The Light of the World<br />

the life of God which we received in baptism, then we must breathe forth ourselves into God<br />

and inhale the light and the power of God. This we do in prayer. There is no grace without<br />

prayer. Only he who casts himself down in humility, only he who can abandon himself and<br />

his own nothingness, only he who absorbs God — only he can be helped. Only those who<br />

ask shall receive.<br />

“If you ask the Father anything in My name, He will give it you” (Gospel). We ask the Father in the<br />

name of Jesus principally when we celebrate the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass in the proper spirit. This<br />

we do by taking into our hands His sacred body and His precious blood, the price of our salvation,<br />

and offering them up to the Father. “We Thy servants [the priest], and also Thy holy people, . . .<br />

offer up to Thy most excellent majesty, from among Thy gifts and presents, a pure victim, a holy<br />

victim, a spotless victim, the holy bread of life everlasting and the chalice of eternal salvation”<br />

(Canon). Here His sufferings, His blood, and His death speak for us. Here He acts as our advocate<br />

and makes our needs the object of His priestly prayer, a prayer which is all-powerful with God.<br />

He is our intercessor and intermediary. Now His promise is fulfilled: “Ask and you shall receive,<br />

that your joy may be full.” Then the Lord who was sacrificed for us comes into our hearts at Holy<br />

Communion. Our hearts now become His dwelling place, where He lives and prays. He elevates<br />

our prayers with His own and makes them a part of His adoration, His thanksgiving, His praise.<br />

The small grain of incense which is our prayer He puts into the thurible of His praying heart. Thus<br />

it becomes a part of His own perfect prayer and rises up to the Father like the smoke of incense.<br />

“Through Him and with Him and in Him” the Father receives from us also “all honor and glory.”<br />

“Alleluia, I came forth from the Father and am come into the world; again I leave the world<br />

and I go to the Father, alleluia” (Alleluia verse). He is our advocate with the Father, He has opened<br />

heaven to us again and made our approach to the Father possible. Now since we are children of<br />

the Father, we are free to speak and say, “Our Father.” Christ, who is our elder brother, prays with<br />

us and in us. We pray with Him and in Him and in His name, basing our claims on His merits.<br />

Thus our prayer becomes all-powerful, but only under one condition: “If any man think himself<br />

to be religious, not bridling his tongue but deceiving his own heart, this man’s religion is vain.<br />

Religion clean and undefiled before God and the Father is this: To visit the fatherless and widows<br />

in their tribulation, and to keep one’s self unspotted from this world” (Epistle).<br />

Prayer<br />

O God, from whom all good things proceed, grant to Thy suppliants that by Thy inspiration<br />

we may think what is right and with Thy guidance carry out the same. Through Christ our<br />

Lord. Amen.<br />

Monday, Rogation Day<br />

Today we observe the first of the three rogation days which immediately precede the feast of<br />

the Ascension. In the mind of the liturgy our petitions are to accompany the Lord when He<br />

ascends into heaven. Christ in His Ascension is our emissary, our messenger, our advocate.<br />

With this thought in mind the Church holds her rogation processions. “Arise, O Lord, help us<br />

and redeem us for Thy name’s sake” (Processional antiphon). “Lord have mercy on us. Christ<br />

have mercy on us.” May all the saints pray for us that we may obtain forgiveness and protection<br />


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