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The Light of the World<br />

with Him, who live and grow by virtue of that union. True Christian virtue is found only in the<br />

Church which is filled with the Spirit of Christ.<br />

Now we understand the liturgy when it sings the Communion chant: “When the Paraclete,<br />

the Spirit of truth is come, He shall convince the world of sin, and of justice, and of judgment,<br />

alleluia, alleluia.” With each worthy reception of Holy Communion, Christ implants His spirit<br />

deeper in our souls. We leave the Communion table and return to our work, to our family, to<br />

our customary occupations, convinced of the heinousness of sin, and we hate it and condemn<br />

it. We are “convinced of justice,” and we reason and conduct ourselves according to its dictates.<br />

We live according to the spirit which Christ has given us.<br />

Prayer<br />

May the Holy Ghost penetrate our hearts, O Lord, and cleanse them. May He penetrate them<br />

to their depths with His dew and make them fruitful. Through Christ our Lord. Amen.<br />

Thursday<br />

“When He [the Holy Ghost] is come, He will convince the world of sin, and of justice, and of<br />

judgment, because the prince of this world is already judged” (Gospel). The third part of the<br />

Holy Ghost’s mission is to convince the world that the prince of this world, Satan, and with<br />

him his domain, the entire world, has been judged. The world is unjust; in Christ alone is there<br />

justice and truth.<br />

Jesus has passed sentence on the prince of this world. This first sentence was given by Christ<br />

on the cross. “Now is the judgment of the world; now shall the prince of this world be cast out.<br />

And I, if I be lifted up from the earth, will draw all things to Myself ” ( Jn 12:31 f.). Christ allowed<br />

Himself to be unjustly sentenced and put to death by the world. Thus, fixed to the cross, He<br />

is a living judgment written in the blood which poured forth from His wounds. The blood of<br />

this innocent victim stands as a contradiction to the judgment which Satan, the prince of this<br />

world, and his servants, Pilate and the Jews, passed upon the innocent, unspotted Son of God.<br />

Christ has passed judgment on the prince of this world a second time by His Resurrection<br />

from the dead, through which He has proved the falsity of the charges made against Him by<br />

the Jews. He was accused of being a blasphemer, of working His miracles and wonders with<br />

the help and by the power of the devil. These infernal lies are now unmasked. God Himself has<br />

proved through the Resurrection that Christ was the Son of God. “That in the name of Jesus<br />

every knee should bow, . . . and that every tongue should confess that the Lord Jesus Christ is in<br />

the glory of God the Father” (Phil 2:10 f.). Thus sentence has been passed on Satan and upon<br />

the whole world. The judgment of the world concerning Christ, the gospel, the Church, the<br />

Christian faith, Christian morals, the meaning of life, the value of material things, is thus proved<br />

to be false. “Now is the judgment of the world; now shall the prince of this world be cast out”<br />

( Jn 12:31), that is, through the resurrection of Christ. Satan is dethroned. Justice is on the side<br />

of the Lord. The world is filled with lies, treachery, and falsehood. Grant me the light, O Lord,<br />

to recognize the world for what it is and to avoid it and all its abominations.<br />

The Holy Ghost, too, passes judgment on the prince of this world. After Christ ascended<br />

to His Father, the Holy Ghost came to confirm the judgment passed by Christ on the world,<br />


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