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The Christmas Cycle<br />

in the wilderness; make straight the way of the Lord. . . . I indeed baptize you in water, . . . but<br />

He that shall come after me is mightier than I, whose shoes I am not worthy to bear. He shall<br />

baptize you in the Holy Ghost and fire” ( Jn 1:23; Mt 3:11).<br />

Christ calls our attention to this same John in the Gospel. “What went you out into the<br />

desert to see? A reed shaken with the wind? But what went you out to see? A man clothed in<br />

soft garments? . . . A prophet? Yea, I tell you, and more than a prophet. For this is he of whom it<br />

is written: Behold, I send My angel before Thy face, who shall prepare Thy way before Thee” (Mt<br />

11:7–10). John is a man of retirement, a man of God, a man given to penance and self-denial,<br />

a man devoted to Christ, a man of deepest humility. Behold, then, the man who prepares the<br />

way for Christ, first in his own heart, and then in the hearts of others. John is surely an example<br />

for us, and personifies the spirit of Advent.<br />

The Baptist is a symbol of the Church. John is long since dead, beheaded by the cruel Herod.<br />

He fell a victim to the revengeful spirit of a woman, but he lives on in the Church to which he<br />

passed on his mission. In the liturgy it is the Church that now prepares the way for Christ on the<br />

Jordan. When Advent comes, she also withdraws into the wilderness to live alone with God a<br />

life of abnegation and recollection, and to preach penance to men. “Bring forth therefore fruit<br />

worthy of penance,” she cries to all her children. “And think not to say within yourselves: We have<br />

Abraham for our father [for we have been baptized]. For I tell you that God is able of these stones<br />

to raise up children to Abraham. For now the ax is laid to the root of the trees. Every tree therefore<br />

that doth not yield good fruit shall be cut down and cast into the fire” (Mt 3:8–10). Do penance,<br />

for the Lord is nigh; “Whose fan is in His hand, and He will thoroughly cleanse His floor and<br />

gather His wheat into the barn; but the chaff He will burn with unquenchable fire” (Mt 3:12).<br />

John is again manifested to us in the Mass and in the appearance of Christ at Christmas<br />

and Epiphany. “Behold the lamb of God, behold Him who taketh away the sin of the world”<br />

( Jn 1:29). The Church offers us Christ and His grace in the sacrament of baptism and in the<br />

Blessed Sacrament of the tabernacle. Through her teachings and dogmas and morals, through<br />

her sacraments and in her liturgy and in her spirit, we come, to Christ, the Redeemer. We must<br />

listen attentively to her teachings during Advent and enter with a determined will into the spirit<br />

of the season. Through the Church we come to Christ.<br />

Each of us should be a forerunner of Christ. Of each of us Christ should be able to say: “He is<br />

not a reed shaken with the wind.” He is established by the Spirit and immovable in his Christian<br />

principles and faithful to his mission. Whether men ridicule him or praise him, whether His affairs<br />

prosper or fail, he does not waver. He is firmly established in his faith and in the love of God and<br />

of Christ. He is not clothed in soft garments. He is a true John, a man of penance, of self-denial,<br />

of self-control. Like another Baptist, like men of true Christian character, we should go forth<br />

to meet Christ as often as He comes to us in the Mass and in Holy Communion. During these<br />

weeks let us live in the spirit of the liturgy and of the Church. Thus we may be sure of preparing<br />

for a fruitful Christmas and of making the graces of the season more complete and more effective.<br />

Prayer<br />

Stir up our hearts, O Lord, to prepare the way for Thy only-begotten Son, that we may be able<br />

to serve Thee with clean hearts purified by the coming of Him who liveth and reigneth with<br />

Thee forever and ever. Amen.<br />


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