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The Easter Cycle<br />

“I know Mine, and Mine know Me.” Where? In the offering of true love. Only the spirit of<br />

sacrificial love can build a bridge between the Shepherd and His sheep. Only when love has<br />

been purified of all selfishness, can a true interior and vital union, based on perfect mutual<br />

understanding, be realized between the Shepherd and His sheep. No one can remain faithful<br />

unless he bears the imprint of the Lord’s wounds in his heart. That is the mystery of the true<br />

shepherd, Jesus Christ.<br />

Prayer<br />

O God, who by the humility of Thy Son hast raised up a fallen world, grant to Thy faithful people<br />

abiding joy; that those whom Thou hast delivered from the perils of eternal death, Thou mayest<br />

cause to enjoy eternal happiness. Through the same Christ our Lord. Amen.<br />

Monday<br />

“You were as sheep going astray. But you are now converted to the Shepherd and Bishop of<br />

your souls” (Epistle). What a wonderful Easter message!<br />

“But you are now converted to the Shepherd and Bishop of your souls.” Through baptism you<br />

have found your way back to the Shepherd in the Church. You were without guidance, without<br />

suitable pasture, and destined for perdition. At Easter, through the holy sacraments of baptism<br />

and penance, you were restored to the Good Shepherd. He directs and guides you with divine<br />

wisdom and love; He leads you without error; He directs you with ineffable goodness and<br />

strength. How fortunate you are in having found your way back at Easter to the Good Shepherd<br />

of your soul! You are fortunate to be placed under His direction and guidance, for those who<br />

follow His direction and guidance cannot go astray or be lost.<br />

He and He alone is able, by His divine power, to defend us against the enemy, however<br />

powerful that enemy may be. Neither hell, nor the world, nor the flesh can have any part in us<br />

as long as we are under His protection. Any other guide is uncertain and treacherous, and any<br />

measures we may take to protect ourselves against such false leadership will lead us to perdition.<br />

Only when we subject ourselves to Christ can we proceed with perfect certitude and assurance.<br />

How deceived we are when we depend on any other guide, on our own judgment or our own<br />

personal desires, submitting to the rule of our passions! Rather, we must give ourselves to Jesus<br />

with complete confidence and with an unshakable trust in Him to whom we have been restored.<br />

Jesus has already trod the path over which He leads His sheep. The Epistle points out the<br />

way for us. “Dearly beloved: Christ suffered for us, leaving you an example that you should<br />

follow in His steps. Who did no sin, neither was guile found in His mouth. Who, when He was<br />

reviled, did not revile; when He suffered, He threatened not [to avenge Himself], but delivered<br />

Himself to him that judged Him unjustly; who His own self bore our sins in His body upon<br />

the tree, that we, being dead to sins, should live to justice; by whose stripes you were healed”<br />

(Epistle). The path is the way of self-sacrificing love, the way of suffering, the way of perfect<br />

submission to the will of the Father in heaven. By this path Jesus reached the glory of His<br />

Resurrection and His exaltation in heaven. This is the way of salvation; there is no other way.<br />

In the Gospel today Christ assures us that “Mine know Me.” They know Him not only<br />

in prayer, in the celebration of the liturgy, in spiritual meditation, or in the momentary<br />


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