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The Easter Cycle<br />

Formerly it was the custom of the Christians of Rome to assemble in the church of St. Peter<br />

on the second Sunday after Easter. This is the Sunday of the Good Shepherd, who, after His<br />

Resurrection and before His Ascension into heaven, appointed Peter to be the visible shepherd<br />

of His sheep and His lambs. In spirit we gather today in St. Peter’s, safe under the protection<br />

of the Good Shepherd. In the Introit we sing His praise with grateful hearts, remembering all<br />

that He has done for us by His death, His Resurrection, and by sharing His divine life with us<br />

through holy baptism. “The earth is full of the mercy of the Lord. . . . Rejoice in the Lord, O ye<br />

just” (Introit).<br />

The Prince of the Apostles, in whose church we assemble today, tells us what Christ did<br />

for us: “Dearly beloved: Christ suffered for us, leaving you an example that you should follow<br />

in His steps. . . . [He] bore our sins in His body upon the tree; that we, being dead to sins,<br />

should live to justice” (Epistle). To this prevailing thought of the Christian at Easter time, St.<br />

Peter joins the concept of Christ as the Good Shepherd, “by whose stripes you were healed.<br />

For you were as sheep going astray; but you are now converted to the shepherd and bishop of<br />

your souls” (Epistle).<br />

Christ introduces Himself in the Gospel as the Good Shepherd. “I am the Good Shepherd.<br />

The good shepherd giveth his life for his sheep. . . . I am the Good Shepherd, and I know Mine,<br />

and Mine know Me. . . . I lay down My life for My sheep” (Gospel). We acknowledge gratefully<br />

Christ’s description of Himself, as we recall what we have experienced during Holy Week. We<br />

acknowledge this blessed announcement of Christ with a firm Credo: “I believe.” He is indeed<br />

the true shepherd, the Savior of our souls. In the Offertory we cry out to Him, “O God, my<br />

God, to Thee do I watch at break of day,” that I may be united to Thee; “and in Thy name I will<br />

lift up my hands.” Thus in spirit we make our offering, and bring our gifts, and subject our will<br />

to Christ, the Good Shepherd, so that we may follow in His footsteps to the altar of sacrifice.<br />

In the Consecration the Good Shepherd will be personally present on our altar with His self-sacrificing<br />

love. There He will renew in a mystical manner the offering of His life for His sheep, and<br />

will confer on them the benefits and the fruit of His death. “I lay down My life for My sheep.”<br />

Here in the Mass these words are realized. “I know Mine, and Mine know Me.” It is a recognition<br />

full of efficacious and life-giving grace. Through the instrumentality of this most sacred offering,<br />

all mercy, all grace, and all supernatural life come to us.<br />

“And Mine know Me.” In the Mass we renounce all false gods and all perversity, and join<br />

ourselves to Christ in a most intimate union, that we may become part of His sacrifice and thus<br />

become one with Him in spirit and in intention. Having been united with Him, we live His<br />

life and follow the path on which He has gone before us. Thus we shall be led to green pastures<br />

in the sacrificial banquet of Holy Communion. He is the Good Shepherd who nourishes us<br />

with His glorified substance and makes Himself entirely ours. “I am the Good Shepherd, and I<br />

know My sheep, and Mine know Me” (Communion). Could He unite Himself to us in a more<br />

intimate and loving way than He has done?<br />

Meditation<br />

Easter, the day of the Lord’s victory over sin and hell, the day of our resurrection to a new life<br />

(through baptism and penance), today receives a new meaning. The risen Lord is the Good<br />

Shepherd who lays down His life for His sheep. With her heart filled with gratitude, the Church<br />


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