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The Light of the World<br />

As newborn babes, yet wise by reason of faith! In the measure in which we acquire a<br />

childlike spirit, our faith becomes proportionately stronger and more perfect. Christianity<br />

is founded on faith. Faith is the beginning of salvation and the basis of all Christian<br />

thought. All Christian reasoning, all Christian values, all Christian undertakings, all<br />

Christian life, spring from the virtue of faith. Faith includes more than the mere conviction<br />

that God, the Supreme Being, exists. Faith requires that we accept and conform our<br />

lives to all those things which God has commanded us to accept. We must accept all His<br />

commands on faith, simply because God has spoken. By faith we make an offering of our<br />

whole being to God and subject ourselves to Him in the spirit of sacrifice. We make a<br />

voluntary renunciation of our own understanding and accept all that God reveals, out of<br />

a deep veneration for His infallibility. It is indeed no small matter to consecrate oneself<br />

to God as a sacrifice, together with all one’s thoughts and desires; yet we do this by our<br />

faith. We do even more. To believe in God means to make Him our highest and greatest<br />

goal, the goal upon which we center all our thought and actions, all of our strivings, our<br />

whole life. We make ourselves and our whole life completely dependent on Him, and strive<br />

with all the strength of our heart and mind to serve Him. To believe in God means that<br />

a man must give himself and all that he is over to God and serve Him with a service that<br />

can be rendered to God alone. Only he can believe in God in this manner who possesses<br />

the Christian faith; and he who possesses this faith must make God the center of all his<br />

thoughts and desires. He must subject himself to God, to His every word and command,<br />

to His inspirations and guidance. Do we have such a faith?<br />

“This is the victory which overcometh the world, our faith.” But our faith in God has various<br />

degrees and stages of perfection. We should strive to attain to perfect faith, that “which overcometh<br />

the world.” We have reached the first degree of faith when we live according to the maxims of<br />

the faith. “Faith . . . if it have not works, is dead in itself ” ( Jas 2:17). He who knows the will of his<br />

master, but fails to carry it out, he who has the name of the Lord on his lips, but dishonors Him<br />

by his deeds, is worthy of greater punishment than he who has learned nothing of the faith. “Not<br />

every one that saith to Me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doth<br />

the will of My Father who is in heaven, he shall enter into the kingdom of heaven” (Mt 7:21).<br />

To be joyful and free in our faith is the second degree of faith. He who lives by faith as the<br />

child in the house of his father, as the free man in his home, feels nothing of the burden of faith<br />

which the slave finds so onerous. The realms of faith become for him a familiar region, and he<br />

moves about in the light of faith with a naturalness and ease which others would find difficult<br />

or impossible. Even the regulations of spirit and heart, which faith imposes, become familiar<br />

and do not become burdensome.<br />

To live by faith is the third and final stage in our growth in faith. Faith lives in us, and we live<br />

by faith. “In the head of the book it is written of me that I should do Thy will; O my God, I have<br />

desired it, and Thy law in the midst of my heart” (Ps 39:8 f.). Those who live according to faith<br />

need make no laborious search to discover the will of God. Without compulsion and, as it were,<br />

by instinct they sense God’s presence and recognize the hand of God in everything that befalls<br />

them, be it sweet or bitter, welcome or unwelcome. They have no need of artificial means for<br />

placing themselves in the presence of God. They feel themselves in the presence of God even<br />

when they are engaged in the most absorbing work, or when they are surrounded on all sides<br />

by men of the world. Their life, both day and night, is a burning flame of love that consumes<br />


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