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The Light of the World<br />

Easter sets a new task before us. We must now begin to live the life of the new man. We<br />

rose with Christ in baptism. “If you be risen with Christ, seek the things that are above, where<br />

Christ is sitting at the right hand of God. Mind the things that are above, not the things that<br />

are upon the earth. For you are dead [to the world, to sin, to temporal things], and your life is<br />

hid with Christ in God” (Col 3:1–3). “Purge out the old leaven, that you may be a new paste,<br />

as you are unleavened. . . . Let us feast, not with the old leaven . . . of malice and wickedness, but<br />

with the unleavened bread of sincerity and truth” (1 Cor 5:7 f.; Epistle of Easter Sunday). Daily<br />

during the Easter season the liturgy reminds us, both in the Mass and in the Divine Office, of<br />

the words of the Apostle: “Christ, rising again from the dead, dieth now no more.” He died to<br />

sin once for all; He lives now for God (Rom 6:9 f.). Christ, the whole Christ (the Church, all<br />

of us), now lives for God.<br />

We are the “Christ” who is risen. We died to sin in baptism. We live now for God. “Christ,<br />

rising again from the dead, dieth now no more.” We have put an end to our sinning, and we live<br />

now only for God and for the performance of His holy will. “Our conversation is in heaven”<br />

(Phil 3:20). We must acquire a spirit of self-denial, and be willing to carry the cross of Christ.<br />

We can share in the life of the risen Christ only if we have been willing to share his humiliation<br />

and crucifixion.<br />

The time from Easter to Pentecost is merely an extension of the feast of Easter, forming a continuous,<br />

uninterrupted Easter feast. In various forms recur thoughts that deal primarily with Christ’s<br />

resurrection and our call to share His new life with Him. “I live, and you shall live” ( Jn 14:19).<br />

The period from Pentecost to Advent also bears a close relationship to Easter. It will<br />

develop and perfect the life which was given to us at Easter. Christ lives in us, and we live<br />

in Him. He lives on in His members; and we, the members, share His life. He lives in our<br />

body as well as in our soul, for the body, too, shall rise and be restored to life and share the<br />

life of Christ in the blessed Easter of eternal life. “I believe in the resurrection of the body<br />

and life everlasting. Amen.”<br />

Easter Sunday<br />

The Mass<br />

Resurrection, victory, light, life — that is the joyous message of Easter. Christ rises from the<br />

dead first in His person and then in His members. The resurrection of Christ is the resurrection<br />

of His Church, too; His victory is a victory for His members. This doctrine is made clear to us<br />

through the close association of baptism with the celebration of Easter.<br />

In ancient times there was no celebration on Holy Saturday as there is today. This day was<br />

a day of silent mourning for the dead. Only late in the evening, at dusk, the faithful and the<br />

catechumens assembled in the house of God. They proceeded at once to bless the light with<br />

which the church was illuminated (now the blessing of the fire). From the new light the Easter<br />

candle and the other lights in the church were lighted. Readings from Scripture followed.<br />

The meaning of Christian baptism became clearer with the reading of the twelve prophecies<br />

from the Old Testament. The catechumens were to receive baptism at dawn. They watched<br />

with throbbing hearts as the water was blessed in the baptismal font. One after another they<br />


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