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The Easter Cycle<br />

Prayer<br />

Sanctify our fasts, we beseech Thee, O Lord, and mercifully grant us the forgiveness of our sins.<br />

Give Thy people, we beseech Thee, O Lord, health of soul and body, that by persevering<br />

in good works we may ever deserve to be defended by Thy protection. Through Christ our<br />

Lord. Amen.<br />

Tuesday<br />

The divine services today are held in the sanctuary of the martyr St. Cyriacus. He brought help<br />

and comfort to the Daniel of the New Testament, Christ, held captive in His members. He<br />

brought help and food to the prisoners of Christ, just as the prophet Habacuc brought help to<br />

Daniel in the lion’s den in Babylon.<br />

In Daniel the liturgy recognizes Christ, surrounded on all sides by unbelief, ridicule, and by the<br />

unfaithfulness of His brethren in Galilee, who go to Jerusalem earnestly seeking to put Him to<br />

death. Some of them say that He is a good man, but others say that He is a seducer of the people<br />

(Gospel). After a few days they will call upon false witnesses and drag Him before Annas and<br />

Caiphas; they will hand Him over to the pagan judge, Pilate, and seek His condemnation. They<br />

will help stir up the mob to demand His death. He is like Daniel among the lions. They are not<br />

satisfied merely with destroying Him; they must have Him put to death on the cross to satisfy<br />

their thirst for revenge. They will stand under His cross and in their hatred will deride and torment<br />

Him even in His disgrace and agony. They will shake their heads and say, “Vah, Thou that<br />

destroyest the temple of God and in three days dost rebuild it, save Thy own self. If Thou be the<br />

Son of God, come down from the cross. . . . He saved others, Himself He cannot save. If He be<br />

the king of Israel, let Him now come down from the cross and we will believe Him” (Mt 27:40<br />

ff.). He is like the innocent Daniel among the lions. He dies on the cross, and His body is laid in<br />

the tomb. Like lions guarding their prey, His enemies seal the tomb where they have laid Him.<br />

“Distinguish my cause, O Lord; deliver me from the unjust and deceitful man” (Gradual).<br />

The enemies of Daniel believed that they had destroyed him, but he was miraculously saved.<br />

So, too, the enemies of Christ thought that they had destroyed Him; but God put them to<br />

shame. By His death He lays the foundations of His kingdom. He sends forth His apostles, and<br />

soon all nations flock to Him, to love Him and serve Him. Men leave father and mother, give<br />

up earthly possessions, earthly love and companionship, and embrace a life of mortification,<br />

privation, and labor for the love of souls. They give up all things to follow Christ. “He humbled<br />

Himself; . . . for which cause God also hath exalted Him and hath given Him a name which is<br />

above all names.” All creatures shall bow to His name and acknowledge that Christ has been<br />

glorified by God (Phil 2:8 ff.).<br />

“And upon the seventh day the king came to bewail Daniel; and he came to the den and<br />

looked in, and behold Daniel was sitting in the midst of the lions. And the king cried out with<br />

a loud voice, saying: Great art Thou, O Lord, the God of Daniel. And He drew him out of the<br />

lions’ den. But those that had been the cause of his destruction, he cast into the den, and they<br />

were devoured in a moment before him. Then the king said: Let all the inhabitants of the whole<br />

earth fear the God of Daniel; for He is the Savior, working signs and wonders in the earth, who<br />

hath delivered Daniel out of the lions’ den” (Epistle). In like manner Christ was sealed in the<br />


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