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The Light of the World<br />

Meditation<br />

“Judge me O God, and distinguish my cause from the nation that is not holy. Deliver me from<br />

the unjust and deceitful man; for Thou art God my strength” (Introit). “Deliver me, O Lord,<br />

from my enemies. . . . Often have they fought against me from my youth. . . . The wicked have<br />

wrought upon my back. They have lengthened their iniquities; the Lord who is just will cut the<br />

necks of sinners” (Gradual, Tract). Thus the Church prays from the depths of her heart, feeling<br />

the anxiety and suffering of her bridegroom.<br />

“Brethren: Christ being come, an high priest of the good things to come, by a greater and more<br />

perfect tabernacle, not made with hands, that is, not of this creation; neither by the blood of goats<br />

or of calves [as the high priest of the Old Law], but by His own blood, entered once into the<br />

Holies, having obtained eternal redemption” on the cross (Epistle). The animal sacrifices of the<br />

Old Law could not work justification; but “the blood of Christ . . . shall cleanse our conscience<br />

from dead works [the works of sin] to serve the living God. And therefore He is the Mediator<br />

of the New Testament, that by means of His death, for the redemption of those transgressions<br />

which were under the former Testament, they that are called may receive the promise of eternal<br />

inheritance, in Christ Jesus our Lord” (Epistle). The high priest of the Old Law took the blood of<br />

animals into the holy of holies of the temple at Jerusalem; he himself suffered no harm through<br />

the offering of the sacrifice. Not so with Christ. He offers His own blood to the last drop. He<br />

endures shame and pain, indescribable humiliation and torture; He suffers in the garden, at<br />

the pillar of the scourging, on the way to Calvary, and on the cross. He took upon Himself this<br />

suffering to purchase for us freedom from sin and an eternal inheritance.<br />

“They took up stones therefore to cast at Him; but Jesus hid Himself and went out of<br />

the temple” (Gospel). The Jews were unable to seize Him, for He was more powerful than<br />

they. They were burning with hatred, and they misconstrued His words; yet He assures<br />

them, “I do know [the Father] and do keep His word. Abraham your father rejoiced that<br />

he might see My day; he saw it and was glad.” This assertion drives the Jews to distraction.<br />

“Thou art not yet fifty years old; and hast Thou seen Abraham?” He answers them; “Amen,<br />

amen I say to you, before Abraham was made, I am.” At this point they took up stones to<br />

cast at Him. But His time is not yet come, and they cannot injure Him. He quietly leaves<br />

the temple, for they will apprehend Him, judge Him, and put Him to death only when He<br />

has determined to permit it, for He is to undertake His passion and death freely. “He was<br />

offered because it was His own will” (Is 53:7). His power is supreme, and He knows the<br />

desires and the intentions of His enemies. His knowledge is infinite, and He knows all the<br />

details of His coming passion. He knows that by submitting to the defeat of the cross He<br />

will be victorious. “Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do” (Lk 23:34). Christ<br />

faces His passion as a conqueror.<br />

The passion and death of our Lord on the cross is not merely a human sacrifice, but a manifestation<br />

of the divinity through the sacrifice of the crucified body of the Savior. His death is not<br />

marked by groaning, hatred, or self-pity; there is only the quiet and peaceful assurance of His<br />

victory over the blindness, weakness, and passion of men. The heart of the Savior overflows<br />

with love. “Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do.” The divinity achieves victory<br />

through the death of the God-man. “Indeed this man was the Son of God” (Mk 15:39).<br />


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