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The Easter Cycle<br />

The Introit shows us the high priest, Christ, at the foot of Calvary. We join Him as He cries<br />

out in anguish: “Judge me, O God, and distinguish my cause from the nation that is not holy”<br />

and that is trying now to destroy me. We who are faithful are not mere spectators, for we know<br />

that we are one with Him. We unite ourselves with Him and with the whole Church and make<br />

His distress and prayer our own. The result is the mighty plea for mercy which surges up to<br />

heaven through the somber strain of the Kyrie and the Collect.<br />

Christ now turns His steps toward the altar of sacrifice. He does not walk now as the high<br />

priest of the Old Law, who brought only the blood of animals into the holy of holies, but He<br />

goes clothed in His own priestly robes, and offers His own blood to the last drop. He offers<br />

now, not an animal as a victim, but Himself as the unspotted and holy victim; He reconciles<br />

man with God and establishes a new race, a holy Church. The way is not an easy way, but a<br />

way of pain and sorrow. As we accompany Christ, we pray with Him the stirring words of the<br />

Gradual and the Tract: “Deliver me, O Lord, from my enemies. . . . Often they have fought<br />

against me from my youth.” In the Gospel we see His enemies surrounding Him, reviling<br />

Him and ridiculing Him. They take up stones to cast at Him; but “Jesus hid Himself, and<br />

went out of the temple.” The incident is full of meaning. He forsakes the Synagogue, which<br />

despised and rejected His person and His doctrine, and turns to the Church of the New<br />

Law. This new Church gladly hears His word and shares His life. “If any man keep My word,<br />

he shall not see death forever” (Gospel). We are a holy Church, and we keep His word. We<br />

express our determination to do this in the Credo of the Mass. We believe and we will live<br />

as we believe. “I shall live and keep Thy words” (Offertory).<br />

Christ approaches our altar to renew His redeeming sacrifice in an unbloody and mysterious<br />

manner. Spiritually and mysteriously we follow Him and take part in this redeeming<br />

act. With thankful hearts we await the coming of our pure, holy, and unspotted victim.<br />

We offer it to God with our thanks, our adoration and petitions, and as a satisfaction for<br />

our sins. But we do more. We do not allow Christ to offer Himself alone. We enter with<br />

Christ into the holy of holies to offer our own blood before the face of the Father. As the<br />

substance of the bread and wine becomes the body and blood of Christ, so we, too, are<br />

made one with Christ. We put off the old man and put on the new man; we think new<br />

thoughts, we strive for a new goal, we live a new life. We have been lifted up and out of<br />

the world, and now we belong to God. We have been crucified with Christ, and now we<br />

are dead to sin and evil; we have been made an offering with Christ, and now belong to<br />

God (Rom 6:11). When we depart from Mass, we are new men, for we have been joined<br />

in the closest union with God. We pray with childlike confidence, for we pray with Christ<br />

the “Our Father,” a prayer which expresses childlike confidence and self-surrender. “Give<br />

us this day our daily bread.” How can He refuse us now that we have been so intimately<br />

united to His Son? As a proof of His fatherly care and friendship, God gives us the very<br />

essence of all good, His only Son, and with Him, His holy and divine life. “This is My<br />

body. . . . Do this, as often as you receive it, in commemoration of Me” (Communion).<br />

We must share this action with Him by living with Him and dying with Him. Full of confidence<br />

we await the fulfillment of the words of the Gospel: “If any man keep my word,<br />

he shall not see death forever.”<br />


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