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The Light of the World<br />

prayers and good works during Lent. Every Christian should be like St. Prudentiana, bearing<br />

always the vessel of mercy and fraternal charity.<br />

Prayer<br />

Hearken unto us, O almighty and merciful God, and favorably grant us the gifts of saving<br />

self-denial.<br />

Defend us, O Lord, with Thy protection and keep us forever from all iniquity. Through<br />

Christ our Lord. Amen.<br />

Wednesday<br />

Today we stand at the tomb of the holy pope and martyr, St. Sixtus, and receive the Ten<br />

Commandments, which in the early Church were given to the neophytes on this day that they<br />

might learn them by heart and meditate on them.<br />

In spirit we are on Mount Sinai. Peals of thunder and flashes of lightning and the glare of<br />

the burning mountain announce the presence of Jahve. Like the Israelites, we are seized<br />

with terror. “Thus saith the Lord God; Honor thy father and thy mother; . . . thou shalt<br />

not kill. . . . You shall not make gods of silver. . . . You shall make an altar of earth unto me,”<br />

and you shall offer sacrifice. The Ten Commandments, which we accepted when we were<br />

baptized, are nothing but the expression of the will of God, holy, wise, and as immutable<br />

as God Himself. These commandments result from the providence, wisdom, and holiness<br />

of God. There can be nothing more reasonable, more important, more holy, than the will<br />

of God as expressed in the Ten Commandments, which we vowed to keep at the moment<br />

of our baptism, when we dedicated ourselves to the service of God. Today we renew this<br />

dedication and renew our resolution to keep the Ten Commandments. In one way or another<br />

they all concern themselves with the great commandment: “Thou shalt love the Lord thy<br />

God, with thy whole heart and with thy whole soul and with all thy strength, . . . and thy<br />

neighbor as thyself ” (Lk 10:27).<br />

How have we observed the commandments of God? Let us hope that we have observed<br />

them with more sincerity than had the Pharisees of today’s Gospel. They twist the meaning of<br />

the immutable commandments so that they can fulfill them outwardly, yet accomplish their<br />

own will in the end. They “transgress the commandments of God for your tradition” (Gospel).<br />

They substitute human wisdom for the commandments of God. May such an observance of<br />

the law of God be far from us who are baptized.<br />

We should receive the commandments of God in reverence and in faith, because we<br />

believe that they express the will of God. We keep them because we wish to conform our<br />

wills to His; because we love God and our blessed Savior. We observe the commandments<br />

because we believe their observance is pleasing to Him. The will of God is our joy. “My<br />

meat is to do the will of Him that sent Me” ( Jn 4:34). In baptism we died to ourselves<br />

and to the desires of the old man; we gave up our right to direct our own activities and<br />

to live according to our own desires. We dedicated ourselves unconditionally to the will<br />

of God and to a blind trust in His providence. “Thy will be done.” I was baptized “not to<br />

do my own will, but the will of Him” who called me ( Jn 6:38). To do God’s will is the<br />


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