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The Light of the World<br />

Christ, who is stronger than Satan, has driven the mighty adversary from our souls. When<br />

we renounce Satan and all his pomps, we do so with perfect freedom and we undertake a<br />

life-long struggle against him. We are incorporated in the living Christ and share in the life of<br />

the “strong one.” The strength of Christ, which made St. Lawrence victorious on his burning<br />

griddle, operates in us also. Thus we approach the battle of life for the decisive meeting with<br />

Satan. “He that is not with Me is against Me” (Gospel). We place ourselves under the banner<br />

of Christ, for there can be no neutral position. We have devoted all our energies to the struggle,<br />

and today in the middle of the lenten season we look back on what has been accomplished.<br />

Have we been faithful to our baptismal promises? Has Satan and sin and the powers of darkness<br />

made no inroads upon us? The liturgy rightly reminds us today: “But fornication and all<br />

uncleanness or covetousness, let it not so much as be named among you, as becometh saints;<br />

or obscenity, or foolish talking, or scurrility, which is to no purpose; but rather giving of thanks.<br />

For know ye this, and understand, that no fornicator, or unclean or covetous person, which is<br />

a serving of idols, hath inheritance in the kingdom of Christ and of God” (Epistle).<br />

Let us therefore examine ourselves seriously. “Today if you shall hear His voice, harden not<br />

your hearts” (Ps 94:8). Woe to us if the unclean spirit should return to our souls and bring with<br />

him seven other spirits worse than himself. The last condition of that man is worse than the<br />

first. “For you were heretofore darkness; but now light in the Lord. Walk then as children of the<br />

light, for the fruit of the light is in all goodness and justice and truth” (Epistle). We are children<br />

of the light and should no longer know darkness; we should walk always with our gaze fixed on<br />

God, in unfaltering faith and in unceasing praise of our Creator. What are the fruits that may be<br />

expected of the children of light? Their lives must be characterized by unfailing charity towards<br />

their fellow men, by an upright life and a ceaseless search for that which is most in conformity<br />

to the will of God and conducive to the salvation of one’s neighbor and of one’s own soul. The<br />

children of light can have nothing in common with wickedness. They cannot share the passions<br />

and jealousies and affectations of men of the world.<br />

The essence of a true Christian life lies in an unfailing love of God and our neighbor.<br />

The life of the Christian is a life of love. That love obliges him to separate himself completely<br />

and effectively from all that is sinful; not only from that which is mortally sinful, but from<br />

every venial sin and imperfection that is in any way deliberate. This love can endure no<br />

willful imperfection. It knows and desires only what is pleasing to God. Its every action is<br />

performed out of pure love of God and of Christ. This love seeks to give to God and to the<br />

Savior everything that it has, even to the last drop of its blood. It is prepared to suffer all<br />

trials and humiliations for the love of God, and even rejoices that it is permitted to undertake<br />

this suffering for the love of God.<br />

Today in the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass we renew our struggle for virtue. We unite ourselves to<br />

the suffering Christ as He offers Himself to the Father, and strive to enter more intimately into<br />

His life. Aided by His strength, we take up again the struggle against evil and renew our efforts to<br />

acquire solid virtue. As children of the light we go forward to Easter and our eternal transfiguration.<br />

“Blessed are they who hear the word of God and keep it” (Gospel). That is the way of light<br />

and love. Only he who loves can fulfill the law of God perfectly. To this commendation of Christ<br />

the true lover replies: “The justices of the Lord are right, rejoicing hearts, and His judgments are<br />

sweeter than honey and the honeycomb; for Thy servant keepeth them” (Offertory).<br />


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