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The Easter Cycle<br />

Him and to share His chalice completely. For this reason in Holy Communion He fills us with<br />

a consuming desire to make sacrifices for Him. Now we feel strong enough to drink His chalice<br />

throughout the day in whatever form it may appear. To attend Mass and to live in a spiritual<br />

atmosphere now means that we, too, are a sacrifice to God. It means the acceptance of trials sent<br />

by God and the search for voluntary mortification. It means that we must surrender ourselves<br />

unconditionally to the will of God, becoming like grains of wheat that are ground between the<br />

millstones of the duties of our state of life. It means that we must become a bread which at the<br />

moment of consecration will cease to be bread; that is, we shall cease to live for our own sake<br />

and begin to live for Christ.<br />

Prayer<br />

Look upon Thy people with favor, we beseech Thee, O Lord, and grant that they whom thou<br />

dost command to abstain from food may also refrain from baneful vices.<br />

O God, the restorer and lover of innocence, direct the hearts of Thy servants unto Thee,<br />

that being filled with the fervor of Thy spirit, they may be found steadfast in faith and efficacious<br />

in works. Through Christ our Lord. Amen.<br />

Thursday<br />

Our lives should be devoted to penance. Today we join the penitents at St. Mary’s in Trastevere.<br />

They are allowed to assist at the celebration of Mass only “at the gate” and are excluded from the<br />

reception of Holy Communion. They are like the miserable Lazarus and wait for “the crumbs<br />

that fell from the rich man’s table”; that is, from the Christians who are permitted to receive<br />

Holy Communion. Today we shall meditate on the curse of sin in this life, and the wages of sin<br />

in the next; meanwhile let us earnestly perform penance in expiation for our sins.<br />

What should the true Christian be like? He should be like “a tree that is planted by the waters,<br />

that spreadeth out its roots towards moisture. . . . And the leaf thereof shall be green, neither shall<br />

it cease at any time to bring forth fruit” (Epistle). The Christian should be a tree planted by the<br />

waters of grace in the fruitful soil of the Church. He should be a branch of the true vine, Christ,<br />

and live by the strength and vigor of the vine. When we commit sin, we cease to be green and<br />

to bear fruit. We become like withered and barren trees, fit only to be burned. By sin we voluntarily<br />

separate ourselves from God. The veins through which the life blood of Christ reached<br />

us are now severed, and we are dead to grace and dead to God. Holy love has been banished<br />

from our soul. Only the divine virtues of faith and hope remain behind as mute witnesses of<br />

the desolation of a holy place. These virtues, too, may die as a result of frequent sin. The yoke of<br />

sin becomes heavier with the passing years. Evil habits bind the soul in iron bands and rob her<br />

of all freedom. Thus she loses courage to resist and becomes an easy prey to temptation and to<br />

her own passions. That is the penalty for sin already here on the earth.<br />

The final wages of sin is the eternal punishment of hell. Hell is the exclusion of the soul<br />

from God, from all light, from all satisfaction, from the one true good. It tortures the soul<br />

with unhappiness and merciless flames, in which, according to today’s Gospel, the glutton<br />

languishes. This desolate soul craves a drop of water to moisten his tongue; but his longing<br />

is in vain. He suffers unspeakable pain and looks about him for help. He looks in vain, for<br />


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