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The Light of the World<br />

self-love, and to ascend the mountain of the transfiguration. “Remember, O Lord, . . . Thy<br />

mercies that are from the beginning of the world. . . . Deliver us, O God of Israel, from all<br />

our tribulations” (Introit). Deliver us from the slavery of all that is sinful, worldly, and<br />

unjust. “Harken to the voice of my prayer, for to Thee will I pray, O Lord” (Communion).<br />

Transform my soul through Holy Communion, that it may be purified from all uncleanness<br />

and may be transfigured by sanctifying grace, by the gifts of the Holy Spirit, by virtue,<br />

and by good works.<br />

Today we see Christ transfigured again on the Tabor of our altars. His face shines like<br />

the sun. His garments are white as snow. Reverently we prostrate ourselves with Peter,<br />

James, and John, and adore Him. Christ comes to us in Holy Communion; He touches<br />

us and says to us, “Arise, and fear not.” We should be strengthened by this assurance of the<br />

Master and go forth bravely to meet the trials and tribulations of our daily life. Supported<br />

by His strength, we are prepared to meet the temptations of the world, the flesh, and the<br />

devil. Holy Communion gives us the strength to walk as we were taught to walk, that we<br />

may please God and sanctify our souls. The inner purity which Holy Communion produces<br />

in us shines in our faces and makes known to the world the transfiguration that has taken<br />

place in us.<br />

Our Holy Mother the Church, however, is grieved at the sight of so many of her children<br />

who do not walk as they were taught to walk, who are not pleasing to God, who do not keep<br />

themselves clean, but give themselves up to impurity and lust. They are like the Gentiles who<br />

know not God. They were invited and were given the grace to walk with Christ in the splendor<br />

of Mount Tabor, in purity, in holiness, and in a transfigured life. But instead they have given<br />

themselves up to sensuality and uncleanness. Their lives are a source of great sadness to the<br />

Church. “The troubles of my heart are multiplied,” she prays to the Lord. “Deliver me from my<br />

necessities, O Lord. See my abjection and my labor, and forgive me all my sins” (Gradual). See<br />

my sorrow and grief over my many straying children. In the Mass we cry out, “Forgive us our<br />

trespasses, . . . and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil,” the evils of sensuality,<br />

sin, and eternal death.<br />

Prayer<br />

O God, who seest that we are wholly without strength in ourselves, keep us both within and<br />

without; that we may be protected in body from all adversity, and cleansed in mind from every<br />

evil thought. Through Christ our Lord. Amen.<br />

Monday<br />

Today for the first time the theme of Christ’s passion enters the lenten Masses. Christ is persecuted<br />

by the Jews. We take an active part in this persecution which reached its climax in the<br />

crucifixion; but it continues in His mystical body, the Church; and only on the last day will it<br />

finally be overcome, and Christ and His Church will be triumphant.<br />

In the Epistle, Daniel represents Christ. Our Savior has taken upon Himself the sins of the world.<br />

By His suffering He expiated them, and on the cross His blood pleaded for forgiveness for His<br />

brethren. “O Lord, our God, who hast brought forth Thy people out of the land of Egypt, with a<br />


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