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The Easter Cycle<br />

the Holy Eucharist. He comes to us again today in the Eucharist to bring us new light, a deeper<br />

insight. “They did eat and were filled exceedingly; and the Lord gave them their desire; they<br />

were not defrauded of that which they craved” (Communion). Who is so fortunate and rich as<br />

the children of the Church? Indeed, in the Church, in Christ, we are not defrauded.<br />

In our weakness lies our strength. It is our very weakness that draws us to Christ, to baptism,<br />

to the Holy Eucharist, to the altar, to the unceasing search for God. “Thou art my strength and<br />

my refuge; and for Thy name’s sake Thou wilt lead me and nourish me” (Introit) with Thy<br />

strength and Thy life. “And I live by the Father; so he that eateth Me, the same also shall live<br />

by Me” ( Jn 6:58).<br />

Prayer<br />

Graciously hear our prayers, we beseech Thee, O Lord, and guard us from all adversity, who<br />

have been loosened from the bonds of sin. Through Christ our Lord. Amen.<br />

Monday<br />

With heartfelt gratitude the Church praises God today for having been cured of its blindness.<br />

Christ has given her the light of faith, and with it the gift of love. Love rules the world and all<br />

mankind. But there are two kinds of love. There is a love that is impure and unholy, a love of self<br />

that degrades, a love that seeks the things that God has condemned and forbidden. This is the<br />

love that fills man with the concupiscence of the flesh and the pride of life. This love degrades<br />

man, separates him from God, and plunges him into misery ( Jn 2:16). There is also a pure<br />

love, a holy love that seeks God, elevates the soul, and induces man to forget self and dedicate<br />

himself entirely to God. For this love the liturgy thanks God today. This is the kind of love that<br />

God gave to His Church when He enlightened her. This is her wealth, that she loves God, and<br />

in God her neighbor. This is the theme of the Epistle of Quinquagesima Sunday, which is a<br />

canticle of love for God and our neighbor.<br />

“Brethren, if I speak with the tongues of men and of angels, and have not charity, I am become<br />

as sounding brass or a tinkling cymbal. And if I should have prophecy and should know all<br />

mysteries and all knowledge, and if I should have all faith so that I could remove mountains,<br />

and have not charity, I am nothing. And if I should distribute all my goods to feed the poor,<br />

and if I should deliver my body to be burned, and have not charity, it profiteth me nothing”<br />

(Epistle). Everything depends on our having charity. But what kind of charity must we have?<br />

“Charity is patient, is kind. Charity envieth not; dealeth not perversely; is not puffed up; is<br />

not ambitious; seeketh not her own; is not provoked to anger; thinketh no evil; rejoiceth not<br />

in iniquity but rejoiceth in the truth; beareth all things, believeth all things, hopeth all things,<br />

endureth all things.” See here the inner life of the Church, her heart, her love of God and her<br />

love of men.<br />

“Charity never falleth away, whether prophecies shall be made void, or tongues shall cease,<br />

or knowledge shall be destroyed. For we know in part, and we prophesy in part. But when that<br />

which is perfect is come, that which is in part shall be done away. When I was a child, I spoke<br />

as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child; but when I became a man, I put away<br />

the things of a child. We see now through a glass in a dark manner; but then face to face. Now I<br />


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