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The Easter Cycle<br />

prospect of humiliation, depressed by the injuries it has suffered, terrified by uncertainties and<br />

hardships; and amid all these trials the seed can neither strike roots nor bring forth fruit.<br />

“I will go in to the altar of God; to God who giveth joy to my youth” (Communion). I will go<br />

to the altar of God and obtain the good seed, Holy Communion, and plant it today in the good<br />

soil of my heart. I will open wide the furrows of my soul and prepare in my heart good ground,<br />

free of stones and thorns, so that the seed may take root and bear fruit a hundredfold.<br />

In Holy Communion, Christ gives us His flesh and blood, and with them and through<br />

them His spirit. His spirit operates in our soul and performs the same service for it that the<br />

blood performs for the body. His spirit fills us completely, and He lives in us. If we listen to His<br />

inspirations, He will soon bring us to a perfect union with Himself. Then we shall see all through<br />

the eyes of Christ and shall will what He wills. Then we shall desire only what He desires, love<br />

only what He loves. Then our heart will be one with the heart of Christ, and we shall be able<br />

to say with St. Paul, “And I live, now not I, but Christ liveth in me” (Gal 2:20). Christ then will<br />

completely occupy our heart, and we may then truly be said to be “another Christ,” because of<br />

the union of His heart and soul with ours. Then we shall have lost our own life, but we shall have<br />

acquired the life of Christ. Then the prophecy of Christ will be fulfilled in us: “And I live by the<br />

Father, so he that eateth Me, the same also shall live by Me” ( Jn 6:58). This is the hundredfold<br />

fruit of Holy Communion.<br />

In order that our soul may reap this fruit, the Lord has “moved the earth” (our soul) “and<br />

hast troubled it” (Gradual) through humiliation, trials, and sufferings of all sorts. The “power<br />

[of God] is made perfect in [our] infirmity” (Epistle).<br />

Prayer<br />

We humbly beseech Thee, O almighty God, to grant that we who have been refreshed by Thy<br />

sacraments may so live as to do Thee worthy and acceptable service. Through Christ our Lord.<br />

Amen. (Postcommunion.)<br />

Friday<br />

“The sower went out to sow his seed. And as he sowed, some fell by the wayside; and it was<br />

trodden down, and the fowls of the air devoured it. . . . And they by the wayside are they that<br />

hear; then the devil cometh and taketh the word out of their heart” (Gospel). The devil removes<br />

the word from their heart by holding them bound by venial sins. By such sin the inspirations of<br />

grace are prevented from germinating and growing.<br />

Deliberate venial sin ruins the soil of the soul so that it cannot bring forth abundant fruit. Such<br />

sin does not separate the soul from God, but attaches itself like a dead weight to the soul and<br />

spirit, so that a man is hindered from living for God. Such a soul is like an eagle whose wings<br />

have been clipped. Venial sin shows a neglect of God and a contempt for Him, even though such<br />

neglect and contempt are not directly intended. By such sins we set up our own will against the<br />

will of God for the sake of some desire, some need, some temporal advantage which we prefer<br />

to the command and will of God. We thereby reject the inspirations of grace by our venial sins.<br />

Then we return to seek an increase of grace and love. Will God again offer us the grace which<br />


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