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The Christmas Cycle<br />

and holiness of truth” (Eph 4:24). Then we “received the spirit of adoption of sons, whereby<br />

we cry Abba (Father)” (Rom 8:15).<br />

Every day the Church invites us to celebrate the Holy Sacrifice with her and to participate<br />

in the fruits of the sacrifice by Holy Communion. The Holy Eucharist is the divine leaven which<br />

penetrates our souls and rejuvenates them. All the other sacraments and sacramentals of the<br />

Church are instituted for the same purpose. If we make use of the means which she places at our<br />

disposal, the leaven of divine grace will completely transform us. Then the words of the great<br />

Apostle will be true of us also: “I live, now not I, but Christ liveth in me” (Gal 2:20).<br />

Have we allowed the Church to work this transformation in us? Have we really managed<br />

to put off the old man with his habits of thought, his manner of acting, his selfishness, and his<br />

self-love? Have we really “turned to God from the idols to serve the living and true God, and to<br />

wait for His Son from heaven (whom He raised up from the dead), Jesus, who hath delivered<br />

us from the wrath to come” (Epistle)?<br />

Prayer<br />

Grant us, we beseech Thee, O almighty God, ever to fix our thoughts on reasonable things and<br />

to do what is pleasing to Thee both in words and in deeds. Through Christ our Lord. Amen.<br />

Thursday<br />

“The kingdom of heaven is like leaven” (Gospel), which, although very small in quantity, very<br />

soon leavens the whole mass. This parable is an image of the fruitfulness of the doctrine of<br />

Christ, which is the leaven which penetrates all our thoughts and actions, and makes them<br />

fruitful in Christ. When this spirit has completely penetrated our soul, then the kingdom of<br />

God is realized in us.<br />

He who studies his fellow men without the light of faith, is considering them in an entirely<br />

false light. Such a man is bound by earthly considerations and soon becomes impatient with<br />

the imperfections which he sees. His vision is impaired, and he sees all things only in the light<br />

of human wisdom. God’s purposes and ways are unfamiliar to him. He judges only that to be<br />

important which will win the favor of his fellow men; the approval of God does not concern<br />

him. His life is a confusion of fears, hopes, plans, and disappointments. He wanders through life,<br />

insecure in his possessions, confused in his objectives, restless and without peace. He cannot<br />

understand the existence of suffering, hardship, and disappointment, and life itself becomes a<br />

riddle. The greatest enigma of all is the end of life, death, beyond which he cannot see. He has<br />

achieved very little peace or happiness in this world, and he has performed no works that are of<br />

value for eternity. “You have sowed much, and have brought in little; you have eaten, but have<br />

not had enough; you have drunk, but have not been filled with drink” (Agg 1:6).<br />

“The kingdom of God is like to leaven, which a woman hid in three measures of meal until<br />

the whole was leavened.” If our thoughts and actions and desires are permeated with the love<br />

of Christ, then we live continually in the kingdom of Christ. When we have reached this stage,<br />

we live more truly in the world of faith than in the world about us. Our life is changed from an<br />

earthly plane to a heavenly plane, and we recognize the hand of God in all that happens to us.<br />

We see the hand of providence in every event of our life. Even the misfortunes which befall us<br />


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