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The Christmas Cycle<br />

one’s neighbor, is the most fundamental principle of the spiritual life, around which all else<br />

centers; it is the standard by which our progress in holiness is measured. We can never have<br />

too much love for our neighbor.<br />

“The right hand of the Lord hath wrought strength” (Offertory). Christ the Lord founded<br />

the Church on love. On Pentecost He sent the Holy Spirit upon His entire Church. Now “the<br />

multitude of the believers had but one heart and one soul. . . . All things were common unto<br />

them” (Acts 4:32). After Christ’s ascension the brethren persevered in brotherhood and in<br />

prayer. “Fear came upon every soul. . . . All they that believed were together and had all things<br />

in common, . . . praising God and having favor with all the people” (Acts 2:43 ff.).<br />

Charity soon became the distinguishing mark of the Christians, for the pagans pointed<br />

to them and said: “See how they love one another.” Shortly before Christ began His passion,<br />

He besought the Father: “That they all may be one as Thou, Father, in Me and I in Thee; that<br />

they also may be one in Us; that the world may believe that Thou hast sent Me” ( Jn 17:21).<br />

“Every kingdom divided against itself shall be brought to desolation, and house upon house<br />

shall fall” (Lk 11:17). The kingdom of Christ, the Church, must therefore be united in love.<br />

For “the glory which Thou hast given Me, I have given to them; that they may be one, as We<br />

also are one” ( Jn 17:22). The “glory” which Christ had from His Father before all time, He<br />

has given us in sanctifying grace, “that they may be one as We [the Father and the Son] also<br />

are one.” Sanctifying grace makes us children of God and unites us in love. Men are to love<br />

one another and to be united in heart and soul, not for any mere human motive, but because<br />

they are children of the same Father, and it is the will of the Father that they be one, “as Thou<br />

Father in Me, and I in Thee.” Who can work this miracle of grace in our hearts? Only Christ,<br />

the divine King. “The right hand of the Lord hath wrought strength.”<br />

If the love of neighbor is the fulfilling of the law, then we fulfill the great commandment of the<br />

love of God only in so far as we love our neighbor. The two are really one and the same virtue<br />

and have one and the same motive, which is God Himself.<br />

Love of neighbor is not an isolated part of Christian piety; it is the whole life of the<br />

Christian. The true state of our soul is more plainly discernible in our attitude toward our<br />

neighbor than it is in our external works of piety. External works of piety and virtue may give<br />

the impression of holiness where it does not actually exist. Where genuine charity is practiced,<br />

no such mistake can be made.<br />

The Church calls the attention of the faithful to the duty of practicing charity at each celebration<br />

of the Holy Sacrifice. The faithful gather about the altar in the true spirit of brotherhood.<br />

Anyone who bears hatred or enmity toward his neighbor in his heart, can hardly join<br />

with sincerity in the sacrifice, and certainly not in the union that is realized in the reception of<br />

Holy Communion.<br />

“Owe no man anything, but to love one another.” Perhaps the practice of charity even<br />

among Christians falls far short of the ideal. Not enough importance is attached to the inward<br />

quality of our charity. Sins against charity are perhaps more frequent than any others among<br />

the chosen ones of God, both priests and religious. The lack of charity is often the besetting sin<br />

of the pious. What wonder, then, that grace is not more fruitful in their hearts when they fail in<br />

the first and greatest commandment, which is that of love. That is undoubtedly the reason why<br />

the Church today in the name of Christ asks for an increase of charity.<br />


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