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The Christmas Cycle<br />

of the storm He holds the universe in the palm of His hand. Not even a sparrow shall fall from<br />

the roof without the will of the Father; “the very hairs of your head are all numbered” and not<br />

one shall perish (Mt 10:29 f.; Luke 21:18). “Why are you fearful, O ye of little faith?” (Mt 8:26.)<br />

Unless the darkness had engulfed us, Christ could not enlighten us. There must be a storm<br />

in order that our steadfastness of soul may be tried. But when the storm does come, how our<br />

peace of mind and our soul are troubled! How easily our confidence is destroyed! Sometimes<br />

when we lose confidence we lose love also. We learn that our confidence and love were, after all,<br />

very shallow. Our soul had taken root in earthly things, in the shifting sands of human affection,<br />

in our own fickle self-love and self-will. When the storm comes, we are easily dislodged. We<br />

did not let love take root deeply. Our confidence was not born of the consciousness that Christ<br />

slept and watched in the depth of our soul. “Lord, that I may see.”<br />

In these storms much that was cumbersome and useless in our lives is destroyed. It is good<br />

that it should be so. In these storms we exercise our strength; our faith and trust in God are<br />

strengthened, and we pray with renewed fervor. Do we not wish to grow in these virtues? Why,<br />

then, do we fear the storm? “This is the victory which overcometh the world, our faith” (1 Jn 5:4).<br />

Prayer<br />

May Thy gifts, O God, detach us from earthly pleasures and ever strengthen us with heavenly<br />

nourishment. Through Christ our Lord. Amen. (Postcommunion.)<br />

Tuesday<br />

“Rising up, He commanded the winds and the sea, and there came a great calm” (Gospel). Christ<br />

the Lord is Master of the universe. Even the winds and the waves obey Him.<br />

Christ the Lord is in the boat with us. This fact should be our greatest consolation, for all<br />

power is given to Him. There is nothing that happens in the life of the individual soul or<br />

in the life of the Church which is not known to Christ. His divine wisdom embraces and<br />

measures all things. He is Master of all that transpires in nature and in the life of nations and<br />

states, Master even of the most insignificant events in the daily lives of individuals. He is the<br />

cause of all that comes to pass, even though our meager human understanding is unaware<br />

of this relationship. He often appears to be sleeping, idle, or impotent in the midst of us.<br />

He permits many things that puzzle our shortsighted intellects and cause us to regard the<br />

future with doubt and mistrust. We are persuaded that He should immediately arise at the<br />

sight of injustice and speak the word which would destroy evil and the evildoer. “Lord, wilt<br />

Thou that we command fire to come down from heaven and consume them? And turning<br />

He rebuked them, saying: You know not of what spirit you are. The Son of Man came not<br />

to destroy souls but to save” (Lk 9:54 f.). He remembers all, loves all, and knows how; He<br />

can, in His plan of redemption, save all. Yes, we believe He is in the boat with us, directing<br />

and guiding the destiny of each of us.<br />

“Why are you fearful, O ye of little faith?” (Gospel.) The soul of Jesus is deeply wounded<br />

by any lack of faith in Him. Not blind necessity, nor fate, nor any combination of chance<br />

and the natural law governs the affairs of men, and the universe; but the providence of God<br />

rules all things. “Why are you fearful, O ye of little faith?” How can anyone fear when he<br />


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