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The Light of the World<br />

Fourth Sunday after Epiphany<br />

The Mass<br />

Today the glory of the Lord is again proclaimed, this time by the tempest on the sea. The apostles’<br />

boat is tossed to and fro as if there were no one at the helm. The boat and its occupants are<br />

engulfed by the darkness of the night. The disciples, seeing the violence of the wind and the<br />

waves, fear that they are lost. There is no one to save them, for the Master is asleep. He sleeps as<br />

if their danger — and it is His danger as well — means nothing to Him. The disciples find no<br />

alternative but to approach Him and awaken Him. “Lord, save us, we perish.” Christ rises and<br />

manifests to His disciples His sovereign power over the raging elements. He gives a sign, and<br />

there is a great calm. The disciples are amazed and ask themselves: Who is this man, that the<br />

wind and the waves obey Him?<br />

With this picture in mind we approach the Church today. We are impressed, as we were on the<br />

preceding Sunday, with the majesty of the kingship of Christ. The angels fall down before Him<br />

and adore Him; the earth looks up to Him. The Church cries out with joy at the possession of<br />

Him, and her children rejoice in the Holy Sacrifice by which they are redeemed, for this sacrifice<br />

is the means of their salvation (Introit). Thou “knowest that we are beset by perils such as our<br />

human frailty cannot withstand” (Collect). The boat that is being tossed about by the waves of<br />

the sea is the Church. We who occupy the boat, the members of the Church, are in danger of<br />

being lost unless the protecting hand of the Lord rescues us. Christ remains in the boat with us<br />

as long as we have love for Him and for one another. “Love thy neighbor as thyself,” and “where<br />

there are two or three gathered together in My name, there am I in the midst of them” (Mt 19:19;<br />

18:20). A church without love would be a church without Christ. A church, a community, a<br />

parish that is not bound together with the bond of love, does not satisfy the condition of the<br />

Epistle. Where love dwells in the heart, there is Christ.<br />

Love drew the Savior into the boat on the tossing sea of Galilee; it is this same love that<br />

has caused Him to remain in the bosom of His Church. The Church is His kingdom, and in it<br />

He exercises His power, not to bring souls into subjection, but to save them. “The Lord hath<br />

reigned; let the earth [the Church] rejoice” (Introit). By these words we are carried back in<br />

memory to the time He arose in the foundering boat and commanded the waves to be calm. On<br />

another occasion He rebuked the enemies of His Church and warned them, “The gates of hell<br />

shall not prevail against it” (Mt 16:18). We can undoubtedly remember many times when He<br />

appeared in the tossing boat of our soul and commanded the winds and the waves of temptation<br />

to be calm, and “there came a great calm.” On those occasions we experienced in ourselves the<br />

glory of Christ. “The right hand of the Lord hath exalted me” (Offertory).<br />

With a lively faith in the power of the hand of the Lord, which has saved us in the trials of this<br />

life, we begin the Offertory procession. On the altar He permits His majesty to be manifest,<br />

although His real presence is veiled under the appearance of bread and wine. We discern no life;<br />

He is, as it were, asleep in the boat (the Church), resting while awaiting the exertions and the<br />

experiences of the new day. Yet in His sacramental presence on the altar the Church possesses<br />

Him in all His strength and power, in His eternally precious life. In Holy Communion He enters<br />

into each individual soul as into a boat, to act as its protector and guide. While He remains<br />


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