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The Christmas Cycle<br />

In Holy Communion we await the coming of this same God. Although He does not<br />

come to us to assume a human nature, as He did when He came to dwell in the breast of<br />

Mary, He is nevertheless the same holy, eternal, and mighty God. Though we cannot duplicate<br />

the spotless holiness of Mary, we nevertheless have the obligation of making our hearts<br />

as pure and spotless as possible. But, alas, how great is the difference between our heart and<br />

Mary’s heart! How far from the holiness and purity of the Virgin of Nazareth! When we<br />

reflect upon the matter, we must confess with the centurion: “Lord, I am not worthy that<br />

Thou shouldst enter under my roof.” My mind is tainted with unclean thoughts; my will<br />

seeks what is displeasing to Thee; my desires are imperfect and degraded. In my service of<br />

Thee I have been guilty of countless acts of infidelity. My soul is utterly unworthy of the<br />

sanctity of Him who is about to enter it.<br />

“But only say the word, and my soul shall be healed.” In spite of our unworthiness<br />

we lift our eyes to Christ. We have faith in His love, and we trust in His mercy. “Have<br />

mercy on me, O God, according to Thy great mercy; and according to the multitude of<br />

Thy tender mercies blot out my iniquity” (Ps 50:3). As a final preparation for the coming<br />

of the most holy One, we repeat the Confiteor and beg the Virgin Mother, the apostles,<br />

and the saints to intercede for us.<br />

In the Mass we have also asked the priest to intercede for us, and through him the<br />

Church has given us assurance of the forgiveness of our sins. The Lord has promised to<br />

hear the prayer of His Church, and our soul has been healed. The way is now opened for<br />

the coming of the divine King. “May the body of our Lord Jesus Christ keep thy soul unto<br />

life everlasting.” So great is Christ’s love for us that He Himself has prepared our soul as He<br />

prepared His virgin mother. The better the preparation we make for His coming, the more<br />

fruitful His grace will be in us.<br />

“Lord, I am not worthy.” Like the centurion of the Gospel, we feel that our very unworthiness<br />

gives us a special claim to His grace and mercy. Christ marveled at the faith of the centurion,<br />

and turning to His disciples said, “Amen, I say to you, I have not found so great faith in Israel.”<br />

It was not the state of the man’s soul so much as his great faith that moved the Lord to help him.<br />

“Go, and as thou hast believed, be it done to thee.”<br />

“Lord, I am not worthy.” To receive Holy Communion with greater profit, we should be<br />

conscious of our own unworthiness. We know that in spite of our unworthiness Christ came to<br />

call, not the just, but sinners. The best proximate preparation for the reception of the Eucharist<br />

is a faith and confidence similar to that of the Roman centurion. With the centurion we ask<br />

no questions, for we are convinced that Christ has only to say the word and our soul shall be<br />

healed. We should dwell less upon our own unworthiness than upon His great goodness and<br />

mercy. A good act of faith includes all the other acts of preparation that are required. “Only say<br />

the word, and my soul shall be healed.”<br />

Prayer<br />

Almighty and eternal God, graciously look upon our infirmity and stretch forth the right hand<br />

of Thy majesty to protect us. Through Christ our Lord. Amen.<br />


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