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The Light of the World<br />

No one can offer himself for himself without the others, separating himself from the<br />

community, being at variance with the brethren, turned away from them, filled, perhaps,<br />

even with hate for them. Only he who is in heart and soul one with the community of<br />

Christ is a true partaker of the sacrifice and heir of the fruit of the Mass. “Above all these<br />

things have charity” (Col 3:14).<br />

“Fervent in spirit.” Nowadays there are many flames in the world; the flame of hate, passion,<br />

self-love. But the Church calls on us Christians to be fervent in spirit, to glow with a heavenly<br />

flame, to be enkindled by the flame of the Holy Ghost. By this flame of love which the Holy<br />

Ghost places in us, we serve the Lord “rejoicing in hope, patient in tribulation, instant in prayer,<br />

communicating to the necessities of the saints, pursuing hospitality” (Epistle). The fruit of the<br />

Holy Sacrifice and of the wedding banquet of Holy Communion is the Christian enkindled by<br />

the Spirit of Christ, an image of the Lord, full of zeal, enthusiasm, and life for all that pertains<br />

to God, to the Church, and to souls.<br />

Prayer<br />

May the operation of Thy power be increased within us, we beseech Thee, O Lord, that being<br />

quickened by Thy divine sacraments, we may by Thy bounty be prepared to receive what they<br />

promise. Through Christ our Lord. Amen. (Postcommunion.)<br />

Third Sunday after Epiphany<br />

The Mass<br />

The adoring angels approach the throne of His Majesty and the earth stands in awe, for the<br />

Lord has manifested His kingship at Epiphany. “And the daughters of Juda rejoiced” (Introit).<br />

In the Holy Sacrifice the Church makes her complete submission to the sovereignty of the<br />

King. “Graciously look upon our infirmities and stretch forth the right hand of Thy majesty to<br />

protect us” (Collect). Christ the King rules in His kingdom, and yet there are many provinces<br />

that do not recognize His authority. The Epistle characterizes these rebellious people as conceited,<br />

self-seeking, and vain. “Graciously look upon our infirmities.” We seek only to be saved<br />

from ourselves, and only Christ and His grace can save us. He is the King of the Church and<br />

the sovereign of each soul.<br />

“The Lord hath built up Sion: and He shall be seen in His glory” (Gradual). Sion is the Church,<br />

the kingdom of His grace in souls, where He rules over our corrupted nature. “Stretch forth<br />

the right hand of Thy majesty to protect us.” The Gospel illustrates these words of the Collect.<br />

“Lord, if Thou wilt, Thou canst make me clean,” cries the afflicted leper. Christ wills, and the<br />

leper is cleansed, for Christ has power over the ills of the body. He wills that we, too, be cleansed<br />

from our afflictions. For are not we ourselves the sick of the Gospel? The Gentile centurion<br />

besought Christ for the cure of his sick servant because he knew that Christ was the Master of<br />

life and death. He knew that it was not even necessary for Christ to come down to his house.<br />

“Lord, I am not worthy that Thou shouldst enter under my roof ” (Mt 8:8). So great faith Christ<br />

had not found even in Israel, and He rewards it by healing the man’s servant from afar. Truly,<br />


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