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The Light of the World<br />

God chooses in His work. “He hath regarded the humility of His handmaid. For behold, from<br />

henceforth all generations shall call me blessed, because He that is mighty hath done great<br />

things to me, and holy is His name; and His mercy is from generation unto generations” (Lk<br />

1:48–50). Mary desires to be nothing more than a handmaid, yet God elevates her to the<br />

position of Queen of Heaven. This is the mystery of humility: “He that humbleth himself shall<br />

be exalted” (Lk 14:11; 18:14).<br />

“After her shall virgins be brought to the king; . . . they shall be brought with gladness and rejoicing”<br />

(Ps 44:15 f.). They are the companions of the royal bride, her honored escort, themselves brides<br />

of Christ, noble daughters of the King. “These are they who were not defiled with women, for they<br />

are virgins” (Apoc 14:4). They leave earthly pleasures and take flight to the heavenly bridegroom.<br />

Rejoice at the hour when He shall take you home to the blessed wedding feast in heaven. Virginity<br />

and chastity are raised to the highest dignity. “Blessed are the clean of heart” (Mt 5:8).<br />

“After her shall virgins be brought to the King.” Blessed are those souls called to the religious<br />

life. “And I will espouse thee to Me forever, and I will espouse thee to Me in justice and judgment,<br />

and in mercy and in commiserations” (Os 2:19). Truly He has “blessed thee forever” (Ps<br />

44:3). “See” the bridegroom; to Him alone “incline thy ear. . . . Forget thy people and thy father’s<br />

house” (Ps 44:11). Give up everything to gain all in Christ, imitating Mary, the royal bride.<br />

“After her shall virgins be brought to the King.” Great as their number may be, do not take<br />

heed to those who are concerned only with the things of the flesh. Learn to treasure, honor,<br />

and love Christ.<br />

Prayer<br />

Protect us, O Lord, and grant that we may seek the things of God and serve Thee with body<br />

and soul. Through Christ our Lord. Amen.<br />

Thursday<br />

“At that time there was a marriage in Cana of Galilee” (Gospel). At this wedding the bride and<br />

the groom are not important. The groom is spoken to, but the Evangelist does not regard it<br />

worthwhile to record what the bridegroom replies to the chief steward. We feel, when reading<br />

this story, that the wedding feast itself is of little concern to the Evangelist. He uses it as the<br />

background for another wedding feast, the marriage of Christ the King to His Church and to<br />

the Christian soul. These thoughts are proposed to us by Epiphany.<br />

Christ, the divine King, is the bridegroom of the soul. He is not satisfied with becoming our<br />

brother, our Redeemer, the vine which upholds the branches and fills them with life; He desires<br />

to be united in the most intimate union of which man is capable. “Wherefore a man shall leave<br />

father and mother and shall cleave to his wife; and they shall be two in one flesh” (Gn 2:24).<br />

“This is a great sacrament; but I speak in Christ and in the Church” (Eph 5:32). St. Paul points<br />

out the great mystery in this union of a man and wife. But he also proclaims very clearly that<br />

this union is great and holy because it is a symbol of the union of Christ the Lord with His<br />

Church and with our souls. In this light the words of the Apostle take on a wider and deeper<br />

meaning: “The husband shall leave father and mother and cling to his wife,” and the two shall<br />

become one in spirit, one in thought, one in desire and will. They shall have one heart and<br />


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